Example sentences of "[verb] by [pron] on the " in BNC.

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1 They used to be in the garden here , but Her Majesty doesnae care for them so they were thrown out on the rubbish heap , but the rubbish heap was by the river so the seeds were carried down by the water and sprouted by themselves on the bank .
2 I wondered if her presence was an invitation ; I felt that if I stretched out my hand to grasp hers she would have sat by me on the bed .
3 Governments would not be swayed , nor would ministers tremble , on receipt of elegantly crafted and crisply sarcastic Notes written by him on the antique encryption machine which could be seen in a corner of the office , slowly rusting away in the hot , salt air .
4 A female courts one or more males and then goes round laying eggs in nests prepared by them on the ground .
5 Matched by one on the suspect print .
6 She loved to walk by herself on the wild lonely moors , with her dog Keeper running by her side .
7 From 21 March 1988 , this future was replaced by one on the Value Line Arithmetic index , which is the arithmetic equivalent of the VLCI .
8 In its aftermath Mrs Thatcher apparently took greater care to consult the Cabinet more fully and was overruled by it on the proposed sale of British Leyland to the US-based General Motors .
9 If you are no longer acting for any of the appellants shown as being represented by you on the enclosed Roll , you should inform this office , in writing , at least seven days before the hearing date , enclosing a copy of your letter to the appellant informing him/her that you are no longer acting , giving him/her details of the date , time and place of the Appeal hearing and that he/she must attend to present his/her Appeal and that failure to appear may result in the Appeal being dismissed .
10 Lie is a nasty word and those in politics ten who use it tend to get hit by it on the rebound .
11 ( 4 ) This Firm can pay the disbursements , as they arise , on the basis that the interest charges incurred by us on the expenditure on your behalf would be your responsibility , to be paid out of your damages before payment to you .
12 So he swept the paths and repaired the fences and at lunchtime most days would go and sit by himself on the benches , watching the people watching the animals , and sometimes looking at his old friend the golden eagle , who was growing old with him .
13 That view was expressed by everyone on the Opposition Benches and a few Conservative Members , but was ignored as the Government arrogantly used the power of an artificial majority to force the poll tax through .
14 Johnny Giles commentating on the game expressed the view , expressed by someone on the list recently , that he is only a fair weather player .
15 Director Tay Garnett took Beery aside and pointed out that Rooney was loved by everyone on the set as well as at the studio , and it would be ‘ most unfortunate if someone decided to part your hair with a sun arc .
16 The employee earning more than £5,000 or the director will be assessed on the benefit received by him on the basis of the cost to the employer rather than the price that would generally be charged to the public .
17 The receipts received by us on the consultation document about the directive show that the Contract Cleaning and Maintenance Association claims that some 40 per cent .
18 Dickon plays by himself on the moors for hours , with the wild birds , and the sheep , and the other animals . ’
19 It 's a hundred and twenty miles — say up to three hours in that little crate — and he could make the night train down , arriving home in the early morning and , with luck , not being recognized by anybody on the trip or at the station , and not disturbing the family . ’
20 In discussing Brian Way , I have suggested that not only has the emphasis placed by him on the individuality of the individual been misleading , it has also put some teachers in a position of distorting the medium of drama itself ; and that Brian Way in practice overcame this problem by including in his seminal publication a system of training in life skills .
21 Although for Aristotle physics meant the study of motion and change in nature , the main emphasis was placed by him on the states between which change takes place rather than on the actual course of the motion itself .
22 Suddenly she switched on a yellow lamp that stood by her on the table and moved the snake-like stem so that Larry 's face was spotlighted as if on stage .
23 No priests , merely a shifting scene of spokespeople and co-chairs , and no franchise held by anyone on the pulpit .
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