Example sentences of "[verb] by [art] new [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ By the beginning of 1960 ’ , he wrote , ‘ it could no longer be denied that certain parts of London at night were dominated by a new spirit of insecurity ’ : ‘ juvenile delinquency had for the first time in Britain become elevated to the status of a national problem ’ .
2 Standards have gone up consistently over the six years of the league and , although still dominated by a new wave of running clubs that have burgeoned over the last decade , more and more of the traditional athletics clubs have been paying more attention to the competition .
3 Under Charles IV , around 1360 , the town was enlarged and surrounded by a new wall , known as the Hunger Wall ( see p. 66 ) .
4 They are surrounded by a new aura of meaning ’ ( 1965 : 129 ) .
5 They require a genuine allegiance to Christ demonstrated by a new quality of life .
6 This was substituted by a new clause which stated that ‘ parties , mass organisations and mass movements are set up under a procedure established by legislation , and function within the framework of the constitution and law ’ of the republic .
7 To cope with the demands of the growing city population attracted by the new prosperity , sewers were built .
8 Others , however , including Cromwell and Archbishop Thomas Cranmer , were much more vehement in their condemnation of the papacy ; attracted by the new ideas and reforming zeal of the continental Protestants , they argued that the papacy had falsified the word of God and distorted true religion .
9 He had made no attempt to pursue the fleeing secretary and was sitting as if in a trance staring somewhere between the chairs occupied by the new Lord Woodleigh and Jilly Jonathan .
10 Under Dej , the once affluent bourgeois residents of Herastau , the attractive northern suburb of Bucharest , were evicted and their houses occupied by the new élite .
11 Software house Logica Plc , London W and software and services company Finsiel SpA , have set up a new joint venture company in Italy called Logicasiel SpA , following Finsiel 's acquisition of the controlling shares in Data Management , Logica 's original joint venture partner in Italy : Logica owns 40% of Logicasiel , while Finsiel , via Data Management , owns 60% ; Logicasiel is made up of Logica General Systems , the original Logica-Data Management joint venture set up in 1985 , and GSO Informatica , which is now wholly owned by the new company ; Logicasiel has 240 staff and turnover of approximately £15m ; it operates in finance , local government and industry , but intends to focus on developing further trade links with the European Commission and pan-European organisations .
12 The actions of Timex in Dundee exude an air of pre-meditation rather reminiscent of Rupert Murdoch 's at Wapping : even down to the fortified perimeter installed by the new management team after it took over 18 months ago .
13 A summary will be included by the New OED Computer Group Manager in the monthly service report .
14 Then a policy directive in 1977 reinforced by the new government in 1979 , also insisted that InterCity should run commercially even if other parts of the passenger business were to receive grant-aid under the 1968 Act .
16 The bridge is now used only by pedestrians , having been superseded by a new road bridge in 1958 .
17 Old certainties — the idea of a fundamental division between ‘ realism ’ and ‘ experimentalism ’ , for example — have been superseded by a new pluralism .
18 But whether it is superseded by a new work or not , any book of a popular or educational nature which is clearly out of date should be considered for discard .
19 It was briefly revived in 1957 until superseded by a new Promenade ‘ Circular ’ , which was circular only at each end !
20 It has been argued that the conventional ‘ male breadwinner ’ earning a ‘ family wage ’ is being superseded by a new convention in which both male and female partners spend the major part of their potential working lives in employment .
21 In the Eastern states of Europe , the traditional form of communism has collapsed and the communist party and state apparatus has been superseded by a new cohort of political leaders .
22 As such , they have been superseded by the new Henle edition , which prints the passage in question in its double minor form .
23 ‘ It is an accepted practice in dire situations such as this that the board is replaced or supplemented by a new board charged with the function of restoring the fortunes of the company and the confidence of customers , ’ the letter says .
24 Locally , it is estimated that more than half the 200 Health Authorities in England and Wales designated a responsible officer , and that there was a greater volume and variety of activity than ever before : traditional courses were supplemented by a new range of imaginative options , to which more managers than ever before had access .
25 His grants were cancelled by the new regime and he pursued his career elsewhere , settling initially in Bruges and returning to Portugal in 1487 .
26 It was a similar story in Somerset in the same period , worsened by the fact that access to the moor along the old drove-ways was severed by the new drainage ditches .
27 Early in the new century the Manchester and Salford Scuttlers were succeeded by a new generation calling themselves ‘ Ikes ’ or ‘ Ikey Lads ’ , a name which may have had something to do with distinctive dress-styles made by Jewish tailor shops .
28 Even when Archbishop Thomas died , he was succeeded by a new archbishop , Gerard , who was already bishop of Hereford , and as such had taken an oath of obedience to Anselm .
29 SCOTCH whisky and other spirits producers may be caught by a new Commission proposal to force them to reveal the ingredients of alcoholic drinks on bottles .
30 THE African National Congress has warned against false optimism over South Africa created by the new presidency of FW de Klerk and his decision to release key political prisoners .
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