Example sentences of "[verb] by [art] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Its façade was dominated by a 65 ft. concrete arch , with a vast concourse beyond flanked by offices and retiring rooms .
2 They also discussed " a unique possibility of influencing the world markets of raw materials " — a reference to the gold and diamond mining industries dominated by the two countries .
3 The observations made so far may be summed up in terms of four historical phases throughout which Hellenic creativity was dominated by the two impulses .
4 The skyline is dominated by the two Sizewell nuclear power stations in this view over the reedbeds and pools of the Minsmere bird reserve
5 The first is dominated by the four generations of the patriarchs — Abraham , Isaac , Jacob and Joseph ( Genesis 12–50 ) ; the second by the majestic figure of Moses ( Exodus-Deuteronomy ) .
6 The clones were multiplied in the glasshouse and then transplanted back into patches of the field dominated by the four grass species .
7 The historic capital of Majorca , with its imposing cathedral and old port , dominated by the 600 year old Bellver Castle .
8 The whole playground was surrounded by a four foot high brick wall with buttresses at about every ten feet .
9 Shorter and his lieutenants were wary of a trap and had watched the forest lodge near Caesar 's Camp for several hours before finally making their rendezvous with Baptist Nunn but , as they entered the building , they were surrounded by a dozen officers who had been lying doggo nearby for many hours .
10 In mid-tune , the organist stopped , grabbed his jacket , and surrounded by the two policemen , began to leave .
11 Epstein 's powerful alabaster group of ‘ Jacob and the Angel ’ , loaned by Granada Television , is moved to the centre of the Rotunda where it will be surrounded by the four bronze relief casts of ‘ The Back ’ by Matisse .
12 South Park , containing a herd of fallow deer , was surrounded by an 8 foot ( 2.5-metre ) deer fence ; North park was divided into areas for cattle grazing by iron fencing and barbed wire .
13 Of course there would be some non-contentious business , perhaps quite a lot ; but even then , there must also be the reservation that nothing should be disclosed by the one group to the other which might prejudice its case when the business was contentious .
14 When , in a similar situation in 1947 , the House of Lords threatened to block the steel nationalisation programme of the Labour administration , to the maximum extent permitted by the 1911 Act , that government responded by curbing its powers still further , by forcing through the Parliament Act 1949 .
15 ‘ If the turf had been hard , ’ he said , ‘ we 'd have won by a hundred yards , ’ and then elaborated about Sir Ivor :
16 The conclusion is that Nkrumah would have otherwise won by the two-thirds majority which was the general election pattern .
17 ‘ I was attacked by a dozen vagabonds two miles from here .
18 Nahamán Carmona López was attacked by the four policemen on 4 March 1990 in Guatemala City .
19 The girl , identified only as Dominique K , was attacked by the two skinheads at her home .
20 After buying me lunch in a new concrete hotel called , romantically , The Interflora , she drove me back at high Skoda speed through the centre of town — choke full out , engine howling in second gear as we skidded across wet cobblestones , clipping kerbs and narrowly avoiding the numerous potholes and dug-up sections where slow attempts were being made to repair the water mains , shattered by the minus-twenty-five February temperatures .
21 If thirty days elapse from the date on which either party received a proposal — submitted according to the first item [ ( a ) ] — without the two parties agreeing on appointing one arbitrator , the authority nominated by the two parties undertakes to appoint the arbitrator .
22 The Royal Marsden Hospital Cancer Appeal , which is one of two official charities nominated by the 1991 IAAF ADT London Marathon , is appealing to clubs for support in raising funds through sponsorship .
23 Public lectures were also organised by the four Schools , and a series of talks given by specialists in various aspects of information services , including the application of new technology to teaching , attracted appreciative audiences .
24 A room of his paintings is a feature of the Tate Gallery 's ‘ New Displays 1993 ’ and there are two gallery exhibitions being organised by the two dealers now most closely associated with his art .
25 In order to overcome this blockade — which meant that the Berlin zones controlled by America , Britain and France , were cut off from their normal supply routes — a massive ‘ Air-lift ’ was organised by the three Allies , even coal was transported by air !
26 Here , then , not only is there no contradiction between the former analysis and the more complete view of the infinitive taking into account its generalized person , but the latter actually gives a fuller understanding of the posteriorizing movement of to by specifying its starting point and its end-point : the positions occupied by the two representations of person involved .
27 The whole of the property had been destroyed in the Great Fire of London in 1666 , and the land occupied by the three houses in Foster Lane was either soon after or by the early nineteenth century incorporated in the Goldsmiths ' Hall .
28 The new entity , in which each company will have a 50 per cent stake , will distribute in France the brands owned by the two companies , including Glenfiddich , Grant 's , St Raphael , Noilly-Prat and Otard .
29 Dropped by the one section of the establishment which supported it , and adopting policies that ensured that popular opinion would become increasingly hostile , Mosley destroyed whatever small likelihood the BUF had of becoming an effective force in British politics .
30 Hendry included two superb breaks of 89 to take command , but Doherty , lifted by a 6–1 drubbing of Mike Hallett in his semi-final , hit back with runs of 71 , 60 and 36 .
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