Example sentences of "[verb] by [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is most easily simplified by noting that C can be written formally as unc and consequently
2 It starts by proclaiming that God is dead or what comes to the same thing , that if he exists he is irrelevant .
3 The subsection concludes by providing that Part IV of Schedule 2 is to have effect for determining whether suitable accommodation will be available .
4 We conclude by noting that Young ( 1987 ) , in a paper which attacks the one-sided partiality of much criminological theory , is rightly critical of what he calls the adversarial positivism which characterises the debate over unemployment and crime .
5 Treatment with one of the benzimidazoles or levamisole is effective and the condition may be prevented by ensuring that birds do not run on the same ground each year .
6 To say that Socrates is mortal is true is not to say anything that can not be said by asserting that Socrates is mortal .
7 To emphasize that markets are not the only possible allocation devices , we begin by assuming that allocations are chosen by a central dictator .
8 At present the fiction that each MP acts on his own judgement and takes a discriminating part in legislation is preserved by insisting that members must be present and pass through the lobbies night after night , though in fact such activity makes no material difference , but seriously impedes MPs in their task of keeping up to date with their special interests and with their constituency work .
9 The chair began by stating that 90% of the jobs promoted in Northern Ireland were in companies which already exist here and , given the structure of industry , very few of these jobs would go to West Belfast .
10 We began by considering that channels can be studied by conventional or macroscopic techniques , or alternatively by so-called microscopic methods , which enable us to look at single channel currents .
11 We began by saying that William Titford moved house comparatively infrequently , and within a fairly limited area ; he and Mary Ann found new accommodation only once more in their married life together — as the children grew up and left home the parents moved to 48 Freegrove Road , Holloway , just off the Caledonian Road .
12 He began by saying that people were starving to death , and it got more pessimistic from then on : the resettlement camps , the ensuing dislocation which meant people could no longer grow their food , the dying children .
13 Allchin began by admitting that Microsoft has had a problem communicating its approach to object technology and claimed he was on the panel to put the record straight : there are objects in Windows NT because there is an object management system in the kernel — its simply not exposed to users .
14 Feminists began by arguing that sex differences are artificial and insignificant , for the very good reason that the idea of natural differences had so often been used to justify discriminatory treatment against women .
15 He began by indicating that Catholics , in general , had some experience of how the O.T .
16 Having failed to complete the flute music for De Jean , he had only received half the commission fee , a fact he tried to disguise by claiming that life in Mannheim was very expensive .
17 Note that this claim would not be undermined by showing that infants ‘ mindlessly ’ master the communicative content of structured sentences before it dawns on them gradually that assertions express beliefs and that deceit is possible .
18 A southerly slope could be simulated by ensuring that 50% of the random numbers generated by the computer were interpreted as ‘ flow south ’ while 20% could be allocated both to ‘ flow east ’ and ‘ flow west ’ with the remaining 10% being ‘ flow north ’ .
19 Bernstein , Kearsley & Zapas ( 1963 ) started by recognizing that theories of viscoelastic materials related the history of stress at a material point to the history of the deformation gradients at that point , the stress history being expressed as a functional of the deformation-gradient history .
20 I mean only what anyone would mean by saying that clouds mean ( i.e. are a sign of ) rain or , as in Figure 3 , that bees mean honey .
21 I would like to finish by saying that Davis Cup matches always bring the best out of John McEnroe , whether in singles or doubles , and he must not be judged by his present tournament form .
22 When Eliot had spoken well of me in the reply to John Garrett , to which I have referred , the latter was slightly miffed , I could tell ; for although he showed it me with some pride as being a favourable reply to his request , he countered the praise it contained by saying that Eliot was being far too kind to an absolute novice .
23 The report concluded by stating that Orkney Islands Council failed to implement good working practice as required by the Scottish Office .
24 Yes , Elizabeth Howell of Exploring Parenthood , certainly that is the case , both with parents and with people like teachers or child care workers , who are in locus parentis for many hours of the day , and our sense is very much that if the adults around children can feel supported and confident that they can acknowledge their own fears and anxieties that they will then be better be able to transmit that measured response to the children in their care and it was very interesting last week , I heard from an educational psychologist in the north of England who said that a group of teachers had asked from several schools to come together to think about the resources that they needed to set in place in order to deal with the children 's behaviour , and after the meeting , at which they were able to express their anxieties , they then returned to their various areas and when the psychologist contacted them a couple of days later they said we felt sufficiently supported by knowing that others are struggling with the same issues and that we could acknowledge our concerns about it , that we now feel able to get on with the job of helping the children , and I think that was a very good example of adults finding a way to acknowledge their own anxieties and thereby to increase their effectiveness in dealing with the children that in whose care they have .
25 This is promoted by ensuring that executives keep in touch with the firm 's business .
26 What is meant by saying that judges must be impartial and seen to be so ?
27 It is therefore helpful if nurses start by saying that people use different words , and asking patients to give the information in their own words .
28 Palmerston , with the longest speech of the debate , started by saying that Members would not be committed by the present vote to any style , as nothing would be decided until next session , and attacked Manners for approving ‘ the erection of so frightful a building ’ , involving expenses and perhaps disappointment to the architect without consulting the House .
29 The areas for which data are not available were excluded by specifying that values less than zero should not be shaded but should be left blank .
30 All we in fact observe is that h is regularly followed by B. This consistent association leads us to connect the two in our own minds , to expect A always to be followed by B , and this we then express by saying that A is the cause of B and B the effect of A. This is all perfectly in order , and indeed it is through such links and associations that we build up an ordered and coherent conception of the world around us and make sense of our experience of it .
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