Example sentences of "[verb] at it [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 He had not really looked at it like that before .
2 ‘ I had n't looked at it like that .
3 Oh yeah , I 've never looked at it like that before , yeah , ah , ah
4 She said Monday night I , er I do n't know whether we 've done the right thing by booking this holiday she said , I 'm thinking about the travelling in the air , it 'll be in travelling for eleven hours so she said I do n't know how I 'll be , I said it 's no use looking at it like that Alice now
5 And er looking at it from that light it was er obviously a better proposition .
6 I think w w what I 'd urge the panel to consider is is perhaps looking at it from that perspective , to encourage the County Council to review the phasing provision of policy H one erm in terms of er how the the committed land is going to be released for development .
7 when he 's mad , he grabs at it like that and whips it
8 If you look at it within that context , these cadenzas by Leppard are rather conventional .
9 When you look at it like that .
10 So if it , if it look at it like that , these people are benefitting ho again and again , time and again and again out of some , out of somebody 's
11 But , when you look at it in that context it becomes very much erm , part of your life , and it takes an awful lot to break that habit and there 's no help .
12 which make it easier for you to stop and a lot of people do n't have the choice to stop , if you look at it in that sense .
13 And if we look at it from that standpoint I think we can begin to see , perhaps , that actually we 're all programmers , some of us less clear about it than others .
14 So can you er look at it in that light and you will see of course that and I can understand why Mr has done it in this way , he has actually broken down er his the approach to this to looking at this criterion , under the three heads , road , rail and bus .
15 Now if you 're gon na be writing in software you do n't actually look at it like that maybe and it is also a useful way to generalize these decoders .
16 Yeah , well you do n't look at it like that
17 To look at it from that point of view .
18 Well I hope they do because you end up with the wrong bloody solution if you just go at it like that .
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