Example sentences of "[verb] at the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The wherry pulled in and we disembarked at the great garden gate .
2 First , it is appropriate for those working with a child to try to communicate at the right level ; this means introducing language structures with which the child is already familiar and trying to ensure that the content of conversations is appropriate to the child 's ability to understand and to her interests .
3 Discarded and shredded by the Bank of England and banknote manufacturer Thomas De La Rue , the paper money has been mixed at the Botanic Centre with sludge from a KP crisp factory on Teesside to form a peat-free compost .
4 Alternatively , it could be simply a collection of modules which it is temporarily convenient to modify at the same time .
5 If we look back to the middle years of the nineteenth century and to the debates about the extension of the franchise to the working class then hopes were expressed as to how voters should behave at the same time as there was anxiety and fear as to how they would actually behave .
6 Gratefully Gina covered her nakedness , marvelling at the strange circumstances in which she found herself .
7 Walking through her kitchen and cutting gardens at break-neck speed , marvelling at the weedless beds , and pyramids of purple clematis , the imposing topiary ( ‘ Russell [ Page ] used to tell me , ‘ Let them get fluffy and fabulous ’ ’ ) , Mrs Guest is in full flood : ‘ Oh , those chipmunks are wrecking my garden , ’ she declares , straightening a single toppled plant in an acreage of formidable order , and tugging nimbly at a lone weed .
8 Passing the township , both brakes jammed on , I slither and judder down the newly regravelled surface , hoping for something to pass and pick me up , but also marvelling at the open splendour of the valley scenery which surprises me afresh every time I look .
9 The animal , alarmed by such rapid movement , now sprang to his full height , his great unsheathed paws beating the air as he strained at the massive steel collar around his neck .
10 These were that the maximum speed of flights was to be reduced from 835 kmph to 778 kmph and that the amount of time permitted at the lowest level of 75 metres was to be cut from 28 to 15 minutes , with the rest of the flight being made at no lower than 150 metres .
11 If CFC emissions continue to increase at the current rate , they would cause an extra 2C of warming over the same period .
12 If the rent under the sublease is made to increase at the same rate as the rent under the headlease , and the rent under the headlease is less than a market rent at the date of grant of the sublease , the rent under the sublease may well exceed the true market rent after the first rent review .
13 Phyllis is very particular about cleanliness , which is why she always shops at the new branch of Safeways .
14 The air is compressed at the same frequency as the vibrations and then expands , compressing the air next to it .
15 Mehrabad , as previously mentioned , was attacked at the very beginning of the war .
16 So I must not jump at the first chance .
17 It was no use putting it off and she was sure that Ana should know at the same time .
18 The reason for this is simple : you will never be able to judge the precise moment of impact , so brace for it long beforehand , fly at the correct speed , keep the wings level and do n't try to round out unless you are absolutely sure you can see the surface .
19 Prototype units were designed at the international workshops and discussed and modified in the field for the APSP was far more decentralised than the Mathematics programme .
20 Gosport was found to be ‘ virtually without defence , protected on the landward side only by an ill-maintained entrenchment … which would fall at the first assault ’ , while the Isle of Wight contained so few troops , so thinly scattered , that it was bound to succumb to a determined attack .
21 In a business where fees are usually paid on a success only , rather than an hourly , basis , this may come a bit hard to people who have worked hard for two or three months on a deal only to see it fall at the last hurdle .
22 As a result the DES ( 1983 ) forecasts assumed that mature entry rates would fall at the same speed as the fall in 21–25 years olds — who constitute the majority of entrants to HE aged over 20 .
23 A loud banging at the front door stopped both of them in their tracks .
24 She had desperately scrambled at the shiny sides of the toilet-bowl as she slid into the water but to no avail .
25 Small holes were drilled at the appropriate places , to accept the pin of a large thumb-tack and the sleeve of my mechanical pencil .
26 This part of the task is very slow and time-consuming and if more than one plate is being constructed then they could be clamped together and all be drilled at the same time .
27 His suicide , in protest at the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the forces of the Warsaw Pact — only Romania declined to participate - seemed to catch at the Western conscience as somehow symbolic of those dreadful days , though it produced no result other than a further deepening of the Cold War .
28 The stock dove almost disappeared from some areas , but , like other species that were hard-hit at the same time , it has since made a good recovery .
29 The main problem with MI6 at the time was that all the senior people were amateurs who had joined MI6 only because they had gone to the right school , wore the right sort of tie and dined at the right clubs .
30 Still fuming at the insensitive arrogance of the man she turned and left the office .
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