Example sentences of "[verb] at he [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Your only chance is to pull at him from the side , which may steer him away from the refuge he seeks .
2 Ma peered at him over the top of the evening paper , Her eyes were shifty with guilt .
3 Then she peered at him over the barrier of her firmly folded arms and expressed a thought that had occurred to her before , but that now she felt impress itself on her even more strongly .
4 She peered at him through the semi-darkness .
5 Kypov shouted at him across the few metres that separated them , and the breath spouted white from the Major 's mouth .
6 His father shouted at him over the noise of the engine , ‘ I want you to see , Alexei .
7 The Prime Minister can not stand Enoch Powell 's steely and accusing eye looking at him across the table any more , and I 've had to move him down the side . ’
8 But there was something forced about his gaiety now , and Breeze , looking at him across the table , felt again that sharp pang of uncertainty .
9 Zack was standing on the road by the driver 's open door , looking at him across the roof of the car .
10 When he straightened up he saw Laidlaw looking at him across the roof of the car , a faint smile on his lips .
11 Towards the end of the soirée , Eliot stood for a while by himself in a seemingly abstracted state , and , looking at him across the room , I could not decide whether he was looking in my direction or not .
12 Jannie lay in bed , looking at him over the edge of the covers .
13 Her eyes flew upward , looking at him for the first time .
14 ‘ I 've been looking at him since the start of the season .
15 She made the mistake of looking at him as the thought formed in her mind , and had to suppress a gasp of awareness as she met his gaze .
16 Sally lay without moving , looking at him in the light of the moon .
17 ‘ Cheer up ! ’ says his driver , with the curling trench-coat , looking at him in the mirror .
18 Looking at him in the dim light I saw he was clad only in vest and pants .
19 that great black bull , grinning at him in the washroom afterwards as , side by side , they washed their hands .
20 There was a pause , than a woman 's reddened , raddled face squinted at him over the sill .
21 An explosive snort came at him from the centre of the room behind him .
22 He saw his son sit up , lean forward and look at him with the wary expression that irritated him so much .
23 Look at him with the bloody roll in the window !
24 And we all nodded at him : the man of finance , the man of accounts , the man of law , we all nodded at him over the polished table that like a still sheet of brown water reflected our faces , lined , wrinkled ; our faces marked by toil , by deceptions , by success , by love ; our weary eyes looking still , looking always , looking anxiously for something out of life , that while it is expected is already gone — has passed unseen , in a sigh , in a flash — together with the youth , with the strength , with the romance of illusions .
25 Lawrence watched Todorov in training and declared : ‘ We 'll look at him in the reserves against Derby and take it from there . ’
26 She could n't look at him in the face .
27 The forest of the night always made him shiver — the association with nameless terrors peering at him through the jungle of a Rousseau painting on his childhood wall .
28 A windy night , is n't it ? ’ he says — which is self-evident as you shiver , peering at him past the security chain on the door while struggling to keep yourself decent .
29 They had laughed at him in the road gang ; who did he think he was ? they said .
30 ‘ That 's more than you 'd dare , Deveraugh , ’ she threw at him from the relative safety of the riverbank , and he laughed softly , the sound of it filling her ears as she sped across the grass .
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