Example sentences of "[verb] at [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In case of any doubt , locate it by a line from Mizar in the Great Bear through Polaris , and prolonged ; Cassiopeia lies at about an equal distance beyond Polaris , so that when the Bear is low down Cassiopeia is high up , and vice versa .
2 The erstwhile bandido wore a bloody nose which he was dabbing at with an oversized tartan handkerchief .
3 erm from the evidence we 've looked at over the past few weeks you know I would say that
4 A capital injection from the company 's bank has to be looked at as a probable source of additional finance , although this would mean a secured loan .
5 It must be looked at as a grand community of integrated environment .
6 But the important point here I think , is that this is a corporate , or may be a corporate res responsibility , and therefore my understanding is that the officers are going to look at those parts which may be looked at as a corporate responsibility , and I would therefore erm , assume that one would look at all the C A B services in that light .
7 The emergence of three youngsters from Ibrox , Murray , Hagen and Pressley , could be looked at as an unusual bonus but that initial impression may not necessarily be the correct one .
8 And because this issue is clearly so site related , it seems to me it can not possibly be looked at at a strategic level .
9 Looked at on a year-by-year basis , the sum of money we must set aside to pay for decommissioning represents only 4% of our annual turnover .
10 So an interval of 10 years will have gone by without his situation being looked at by the local review committee or the parole board .
11 Declining mine output in Anglesey , opposition by Birmingham consumers , and an improving international copper market prevented the monopoly persisting , but Williams continued to influence the industry strongly till his death , and his activities were looked at by the select committee on the copper trade of 1799 .
12 Looked at from the other side , it should be realized that blandly-flavoured foods reduced the strong and exotic taste of many herbs , and this is where the secret of using herbs in cooking lies — to use herbs in such quantities that the strength of their flavours balances the strength and flavour of the food to which they are added .
13 Looked at from the Overseas Groups point of view , the pattern would look something like this :
14 So all lines of enquiry in regard to body stance are amenable to alternative explanations , perhaps because the issue is looked at from the wrong perspective .
15 Thus , as with biological theories , crime is seen as pathological ( a disease ) , as something to be looked at from the medical point of view .
16 However , the situation in Leeds needs to be looked at in a national as well as in a local context .
17 There was a feeling that the wider issues needed to be looked at in a national forum .
18 Looked at in a different way , a feudal knight would have a squire who carried his armour for him , sharpened up his sword , and polished his boots .
19 A case that is considered thoroughly is looked at in the round and all the relevant factors are taken into proper consideration .
20 Many of these aspects are looked at in the following chapters .
21 The concern of the writers that we have looked at in the preceding pages are with a number of organisational variables :
22 Areas to be looked at in the short term are :
23 These topics are often looked at in an historical context : changes in the patterning of family life with industrialization and urbanization are examined .
24 So , we 're looked at in an ambivalent way .
25 SHOT AT during an armed hold-up , THREATENED by a violent drug gang and BEATEN UP at a party in posh Beverly Hills .
26 If somebody who has been actually shot at by a nuclear weapon is so goddamned complacent about it all , and so pig ignorant of the implications of the happening , what hope have we got that public opinion ( the silent majority ) will be sufficiently stirred to stop our power intoxicated leaders from brandishing their nuclear swords ?
27 The results are fabulous , as already hinted at by the current 45 ‘ Drive That Fast ’ , a grippingly gentle , coolly frantic , scarily mellow passage that fittingly knocks 'em over at CBGB 's .
28 If we are troubled by the fact that the corporatist countervision we find hinted at in the legal materials might become simply a mask behind which corporate managers exercise unconstrained economic and social power , an alternative avenue for research is available to us .
29 Charles Muses , a Columbia University Doctor of Philosophy , is convinced that there are forms of living substance far more subtle than our relatively crude polarised ( i.e. electron/proton ) matter form already hinted at in the mysterious physical effectiveness of the so-called ‘ vacuum state ’ as revealed by Quantum Physics .
30 The problem is hinted at in the uneasy combination of the two descriptive terms , one signifying natural complexity and even contrariness , the other , mechanical order and simplicity .
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