Example sentences of "[verb] at [num] [noun] or " in BNC.

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1 She was rich , beautiful , clever and amusing , and her wit became renowned ; she was featured in the picture papers , in the scandal sheets , and everyone of consequence was reported at one time or another to be going to marry her .
2 we done all that erm Wa , Walkman all that sort of thing we 've done at one time or other .
3 If we now turn our attention to the hero-literature of ancient Greece , it is notable that just about every prominent hero does battle at one time or another , and sometimes repeatedly , with Amazon women .
4 Of course , all parents ( and teachers ) are beset at one time or another by disobedient children .
5 For instance , who amongst us has not said at one time or another :
6 Typesetting machines print at 1200 dpi or more .
7 The vast majority of golfers have been told at one time or another how important the legs are in the game of golf .
8 Most of these have been used at one time or another but still the TL 072 op.amp seems to combine the best characteristics at a reasonable price .
9 These types of record have all been used at one time or another by the authors .
10 There were many routes from Earth to the Reconciled Dominions , some safer than others , but all used at one time or another , and not always by magicians .
11 Here Revelstoke was in his element ; acute intelligence and charm , capacity for meticulous work , presence and eloquence , fluency in French and Spanish , and , above all , financial acumen made him a match for the wiliest of South American presidents , North American railway barons , European finance ministers , and the members of the British cabinet with all of whom he had to deal at one time or another .
12 Table III shows that standardised mortality ratios for cardiovascular disease were not related to duration of gestation , though the highest ratio , 107 , was in men born at 37 weeks or less .
13 erm This is quite an interesting cartoon , and really has no connection with either St Aldate 's or Oxford , erm but it was actually published in 1642 , and it shows the two sides , the Roundheads and the Cavaliers , and what I think is interesting about it is that it does seem to be quite objective , it does n't seem to be particularly getting at one side or the other , which is very rare for the kind of erm cartoons that were later issued during the war .
14 If you 've actually be wangling system on your way up , which is what most of us seem to do at one time or another .
15 This occurs , following the Formalist principle of defamiliarization , when existing linguistic or literary practice ( a ‘ norm ’ ) is violated at one level or another of a text 's structure , which then itself becomes dominant .
16 The medical journals still present a variety of possible remedies , many of which sound most desperate and bizarre missionaries report from China that they have been cured by having needles stuck into their bellies and arms , yet this is not thought too strange to mention … and almost every variety of chemical substance has been proposed at one time or another , all of which is a sure sign that our profession remains baffled by this disease . "
17 Ignoring the remainder of the world 's population , Mechanic defines hypochondria as a disorder experienced at one time or another by some 70 per cent of apprentice doctors .
18 Coping and support networks can be built up gradually as part of a group exercise and on your own and can provide a forum for discussion and shared experience as well as letting off the inevitable steam and frustration experienced at one time or another .
19 Wright looked at 255 rapes or attempted rapes investigated by the police as ‘ genuine ’ offences during 1972–1976 in six English police areas .
20 Reading the old files , it is interesting to note how many well-known Institute figures have served at one time or another on the TAC .
21 And the theory is that every individual has an innate inborn preference for behaving at one end or the other .
22 All penalties are cumulative , but penalties for disobedience depend on whether they are incurred at one obstacle or not .
23 Although the subject was something not discussed , almost everyone in the road had at one time or another been confided in and had helped Mrs Browning as far as they could , although she seemed to feel she should not worry any particular neighbour too much so went from one to another , as it were in turn .
24 The ladies murmured reluctant agreement , since most of them had at one time or another tried to oust her from at least one of the appointments which they themselves coveted .
25 He had at one time used the property as a guest house and a number of people , who had at one time or another resided in the guest house , had become friends of his .
26 On one occasion , when time had been scheduled in a departmental meeting for discussion of my questions , ten out of twelve members of staff present indicated that they had at one time or another received complaints from girls ( usually in the third or fourth year ) about the male bias of their overall literary ‘ diet ’ .
27 The appendix lists a fascinating array of paintings , handled at one time or other by Colnaghi and which are today in North American public collections .
28 Opponents of the curfew claim that forcing every bar to close at one time or , as proposed , requiring nightclubs to close their doors at 1.30 while allowing drinking until 3am or 4am , would lead to a flood of pub-goers hitting the streets at once , exacerbating the problem .
29 So it does n't mean to say that you only behave at one end or the other .
30 All of us have at one time or another contributed to the Great Bores of Today , with our moans of the other night when we sat down to watch television and ‘ there was nothing on ’ .
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