Example sentences of "[verb] at [det] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Her beauty had been something which had filled even herself with wonder ; sometimes in the privacy of her own room she would gaze at some part of herself , at a hand , say , or a breast , and the perfection of its shape would fill her with joy , as if it were not a part of herself but some natural object of beauty .
2 When Dexter focused back on the conversation , Blanche was laughing at some joke of Eddy Russell 's that the sergeant had missed .
3 His brows rose at this flash of spirit .
4 Symptoms are changes from the normal state of a person occurring at any level of his being and would range from changes of mood or behaviour to physical things like pains , temperature reactions , colour changes , sweats etc .
5 Place in a cold frame or on a windowsill out of direct sunlight , where they will soon root at this time of year .
6 He always seemed to know exactly where Sergeant Charles Trumper of the Royal Fusiliers could be located at any time of the day or night .
7 Some naturalists believe that tigers will mate at any time of year .
8 A very low-fat start to the day is tomatoes or mushrooms on a slice of wholemeal toast ; and the baked bean must not be forgotten at this time of day .
9 Nevertheless , it is Adler rather than Freud who sums up for me what was happening at this stage of the disease .
10 Many people are struggling to get their hunters fit at this time of the year .
11 There were no aircraft available for air drops at that stage of the war in the desert , which was a pity when one bears in mind that only two years later SAS parties operated in France for anything up to two months behind enemy lines , totally reliant on parachuted stores .
12 Enthusiasts aged 11 and over can be introduced to Superghosts , in which letters can be added at either end of the word .
13 Bells were rung at either end of a conversation to signal the beginning and end of the call .
14 hot water bottles are useful for keeping you warm at any time of the day or night .
15 Hot water bottles are useful for keeping you warm at any time of the day or night .
16 Any given rise in unemployment in the winter months , therefore , can only be shown to be significant if it can be demonstrated that the rise is over and above that which is normally expected at that time of year .
17 Speedy success was essential , since records gathered over the previous 80 years showed that at best only three weeks of rain-free weather could be expected at that time of the year .
18 Resigned to being detained for several minutes , Melissa forced herself to be pleasant , making suitable replies to his comments on the weather and agreeing that it was a bit unsettled , that frost was still likely to be a problem but was only to be expected at this time of year .
19 … or is it just another of those little habits ( much favoured by men ) that seem to flourish at this time of year .
20 But I know , and you should know , that imagination is not what counts at this stage of a young man 's career ; what he needs is application , study , repetition , diligent imitation and sincere admiration of his peers .
21 I 've never really looked at that side of it , you know , so I do n't really know .
22 In Wallshire Ltd v Aarons [ 1989 ] 1 EGLR 147 , it was argued that a surveyor conducting a rent review as an expert should have looked at more evidence of comparable lettings .
23 For example , Brunsdon notes that ‘ Hollywood , as the world-dominant cinema , exports ideals of White femininity worldwide ’ , yet feminist critics have rarely looked at this aspect of the Hollywood dream-machine in their copious critiques of it .
24 The routine can be enlivened at any time of year by the occasional charter to other destinations .
25 Although different laterality indices correlate positively and significantly it has been argued that the index of choice is one that is not constrained at any level of accuracy .
26 To work at this sort of depth it is necessary to dig a hole of bigger diameter and in this case you must consider your own safety .
27 We shall consider certain features of the motion applying at any stage of this decay process .
28 There are two forms of logical shift , which differ in what happens at each end of the binary pattern .
29 ‘ I would not have expected to accompany you on a romantic walk with your girlfriend , ’ Jenna said hotly , her cheeks flushing at this idea of being relegated to invalidity again .
30 ( 2 ) A solicitor who is an officer , member or employee of or who is otherwise working in the practice of a recognised body , or a recognised body which is an officer or member of a recognised body , or a registered foreign lawyer who is a director or member of a recognised body , shall not by any act or omission by himself ( or itself ) or with any other person cause , instigate or connive at any breach of these Rules or any rules , principles or requirements of conduct applicable to recognised bodies by virtue of these Rules or section 9 of the Act and , for the avoidance of doubt , it is confirmed that a solicitor who is an officer , member or employee of or who is otherwise working in the practice of a recognised body remains personally subject to all the rules , principles and requirements of conducting affecting solicitors .
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