Example sentences of "[verb] at [adj] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Their study shows that every $10 of interest payments per year and per person means 142 days less of life on average , had life expectancy continued to increase at pre-debt crisis rates .
2 The new money will still leave gearing at 60 per cent , but Mr Scott says the company will be happy with that level of debt , given that gearing at other transport groups can be as high as 90 per cent .
3 The principle of Speedlink is that train sections are exchanged at specified groups of sidings on the network , rather than individual wagons sorted at full-scale marshalling yards .
4 He was educated at local council schools until he obtained employment as a shipping clerk , working with several companies until he was thirty-eight .
5 He was educated at local authority schools in Lowestoft , Hemel Hempstead , and London , and evening classes in Manchester .
6 He was educated at top school Ampleforth — not Eton as many believe .
7 However , as UK cement manufacturers discovered to their cost , high prices in the UK market made it worthwhile for low cost EC and third country suppliers , located at deep water ports , to begin supplying the UK market .
8 In addition , card readers and display units can be located at various point-of-sale positions such as bars and restaurants .
9 Four derelict PBYs were located at Orange County Airport in Southern California where they had been abandoned after a Navy surplus sale .
10 On the energy efficiency front , expensive internal stair light bulbs at Pollock Halls of Residence have been replaced with more cost-effective compact fluorescent 2D lamps , paying for themselves in 17 months ; a 95% efficiency condensing boiler has been installed at High School Yards in place of a traditional boiler with only 60–65% efficiency ; in the Main Library 5,000 obsolete light fittings have been renewed by half that number with improved light levels .
11 Investment properties should be included at open market value .
12 Investment properties should be included at open market value .
13 Clearly , in order to obtain this kind of information it is necessary to conduct three assessments under similar conditions so that they are directly comparable and spaced at equal time intervals .
14 The liposome bilayer reduces glucose access to the enzyme relative to that of the oxygen co-substrate , ensuring an adequate O2 supply at high blood glucose levels .
15 They rehearsed at New Cross Stadium and had to get a suntan to look fit .
16 It is therefore unlikely that microsporidia were responsible for the symptoms in a relevant proportion of the patients reported here , especially thse at early disease stages and those without detectable secondary infection , as intestinlam microsporidiosis is apparently associated with low CD4 counts in the peripheral blood .
17 Family Finance : Drop in and take cash out Christine Stopp looks at instant settlement share dealing , the latest offer from the only building society with its own stockbroking arm
18 Pesticides : Missing the Target says that rather than regulating pesticides on a chemical-by-chemical basis , the government should adopt a comprehensive policy that compares the costs , risks and benefits of chemical and non-chemical control and looks at appropriate pest control for sustainable agriculture .
19 It looks at joint compensation schemes cases in which civil liability principles do not apply .
20 City : OFT looks at industrial gas spot market option
21 The Steelworkers , financing their programme through a 1 per cent levy on union dues , provided training for reps in fighting union-busting methods in the early 1930s ; by 1985 , they had developed a full two-day residential course on ‘ Facing Management ’ , which includes introduction exercises , and a role play ( ‘ Handle with Care ’ ) on productivity bargaining ; the course also looks at Japanese management methods , quality circles and technological change .
22 James Chapman looks at safe diver deployment .
23 This study looks at true population incidence rates , referral rates , and survival in adults , particularly with respect to age and underlying diagnosis .
24 Most studies , however , have looked at short term ingestion of isolated dietary fibres compared with elemental diets and some have measured the effects of post starvation recovery .
25 In contrast , the women who were booked at general practitioner units and delivered there had by far the lowest perinatal mortality rate ( 3.3/1000deliveries ) .
26 Adjustment for birth weight had the greatest effect on the perinatal mortality rates due to immaturity : the rate among women who were booked at general practitioner units and were delivered at hospital 1 fell from 3.6 to 1.0 .
27 In contrast , macerated stillbirths were underrepresented in the stillbirths that occurred at general practitioner units while deaths due to asphyxia in labour were overrepresented .
28 Incidents occurred at nuclear power stations in Spain and Lithuania during February .
29 Protocol I is targeted at Distant Water Fishing Nations , Protocol II to Pacific Rim States .
30 Further publications targeted at specific user groups are now in preparation and these will be circulated widely as they become available .
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