Example sentences of "[verb] on the same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Even then opposing fans mixed on the same terraces without the ‘ taking of ends ’ .
2 Trading was organised on the same lines as for other securities ; but , after a number of preparatory changes introduced during the preceding months , the trading system was completely restructured on Monday , 27 October 1986 .
3 2.15.9 such parts of the main structure walls foundations and roofs of the Centre that are not included in the Premises and that would not be included in the Premises demised by the Leases of all the other units in the Centre if let on the same terms as this Lease
4 The exclusion of parts of the centre " let or constructed or adapted for letting " is fair and reasonable , but quite often an exclusion will relate only to parts of the centre " not let on the same terms as this lease " which could result in the occupying tenants paying part of the service charges for unlet premises .
5 If its distribution won them friends , a loss of employment was readily blamed on the same men who assumed credit for the award of patronage , and frequently credit was assumed but blame apportioned when the politician 's responsibility was unclear .
6 She argues that the nature of the Tests is now so different that we can not object on the same grounds as each objection has been met .
7 The same old commentators are wheeled from channel to channel to comment on the same snippets of film .
8 The assistants were asked what help and training they needed in order to carry out their duties more effectively , and both head and class teacher were asked to comment on the same issues independently .
9 Owen 's mind had begun to work on the same lines .
10 Medical hygienism was quite obviously a necessity , nor is it likely to become completely unfashionable ; the consequence of this interest to the student of child care was that the enthusiasm justifiably generated by its successes led to an assumption that mental hygiene , applied on the same principles , would be equally beneficial .
11 Pascal goes some way towards this recognition when he observes : ‘ I see , in truth , that the same words are applied on the same occasions , and that every time two men see a body change its place , they both express their view of this same fact by the same word , both saying that it has moved ; and from this conformity of application we derive a strong conviction of a conformity of ideas .
12 Section 1(6) states : No duty is owed by virtue of this section to any person in respect of risks willingly accepted as his by that person ( the question of whether a risk was so accepted to be decided on the same principles as in other cases in which one person owes a duty of care to another ) .
13 He said the NHS trust guide , underwritten by Mr Lang , said that existing staff would be transferred on the same conditions .
14 They had all their limited attention focused on Hrun , who was admittedly built on the same lines as themselves .
15 A leather boot built on the same principles as the original Brasher Boot , but updated .
16 Chemically , they differ considerably from morphine , but they can usually be seen to correspond to part of the morphine molecule , and are thus envisaged as acting on the same receptors .
17 In the great Victorian house , lives are inevitably connected because they are passed beneath a single roof , depend on the same resources , and can not but have an effect on one another ; yet the planning of the great house does all it can to obliterate these connections .
18 Lydia Becker , a leading Victorian feminist , compared the position of middle class women unfavourably with that of working class women : ‘ What I most desire , is to see married women of the middle classes stand on the same terms of equality as prevail in the working classes and the highest aristocracy .
19 A new course begins in September at the Queen 's Road Centre , Peckham and will run on the same lines as the present course ie nine Friday evenings and one residential weekend per term for a minimum of five terms .
20 Courtaulds International will continue to focus on the same products and markets as before , supplying paint for a while range of end uses , from ships , chemical plants and houses to washing machines , furniture and beer cans .
21 The existence of judicial balancing should not lead us to conclude that all such balancing is necessarily premised on the same assumptions .
22 So for the rest of the month I was in charge of wages , piece rates , training , negotiations and all the rest of it , and then one day a month I was regularly calling on the same customers in Bloomsbury and I was collecting money , selling the goods and so on , which I think was a very important part of my continued training .
23 His ‘ abc ’ is based on the same foundations of activity based principles — but he offers an approach that is less complex , easier and cheaper to implement .
24 To the extent that these parts of the social structure are based on the same values , they may be said to be integrated .
25 All dance is based on the same principles and rules which are dictated by the anatomical capacity for movement found in the human body .
26 Each series is based on the same principles :
27 Profiles of Development and other material based on the same principles can be seen as redefinitions of the National Curriculum .
28 Although the control of PGE in sheep is based on the same principles as that described for O. ostertagi in cattle , its practice is somewhat different for the following reasons :
29 Yes , but I probably tried to create my own personal brand of Dadaism , just as each of them had their own brand of Dadaism based on the same ideas but expressed in an intensely personal way .
30 Different narratives based on the same events were juxtaposed and compared .
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