Example sentences of "[verb] on [pers pn] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 Three black youths with huge , multicoloured knitted caps pulled over their dreadlocks like tea-cosies lean against the plateglass window of the shopping-precinct cafe , drumming a reggae beat on it with their finger-tips until shooed away by the manageress .
2 Both the New Criticism and Scrutiny were products of the modernist literary revolution , and drew on it for their methods and their assumptions .
3 Tourism does bring economic benefits to rural areas , but it is usually considered to be a mixed blessing , even by those who depend on it for their living .
4 He says in Mexico for instance there are communities who depend on it for their livelihood and who benefit from the sale of the wood .
5 The motor industry is a key measure of our economic performance , and hundreds of thousands depend on it for their livliehoods .
6 Early Christian popular ascetic literature abounds with stories of women who reject the fiancés imposed on them by their families , and even reject their husbands .
7 All these , if examined carefully , show in their arrangements of streets or patterns of roads the impact imposed on them by their ‘ planning lords ’ .
8 None of this meant that diplomats were well paid , if the financial demands still often made on them by their position are considered .
9 Then they beat him with the pipes once again , but when they realized that he had managed to keep his secrets from them , that this small Englishman was not for talking , they turned on him in their fury and kicked and beat him until they feared they had killed him .
10 The disasters that befell his army paradoxically heightened his personal charisma : even the barons of Outremer continued to look on him as their one potential saviour .
11 The results are both impressive and disquieting , for unlike natural forms his do not seem to invite our participation , nor do they depend on us for their formidable originality and sense of completion .
12 However , most of his tours are accompanied by freelance lecturers , though never those who rely on it for their livelihood , who , he thinks , get stale .
13 So too was the rhetorical advantage conferred on them by their command of microphones .
14 Here she was , past the prime of life it was true , but grumbling because others depended on her for their family traditions to be kept up , and here was Doris Smythe with no family and unable to do much for herself — and she was the sort of person who 'd always helped others when she was younger , Linda remembered .
15 John 's wife Sheila told of her shock when she woke to find a gun trained on them at their home in Bromley , Kent .
16 He has few friends , and already the pressure Ipuky and Reni are putting on him through their friends is filtering down to me .
17 Laura found herself repeatedly hurt by accusations in the press that they had become ‘ tax exiles ’ and tried to point out how the decision to live abroad had , on the contrary , been forced on them by their peripatetic lifestyle on the one hand and fear of punitive estate duty rates on the other .
18 Many of the clients who depended on him for their pensions have had to go back to work after their life savings were wiped out .
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