Example sentences of "[verb] with in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 William Jardine [ q.v. ] described him as ‘ honest and liberal beyond what we generally meet with , or even expect to meet with in the general intercourse of business transactions ’ .
2 Several documents gave rise to concern as they were wrestled with in the appropriate commissions , none more so than the all-important Dogmatic Constitution on the Church .
3 The problems he encountered , which included the use of authors ’ names ( gender differences , dropped initials , etc. ) , nationality differences in publication rates , the lack of informative titles and so on , were all met with in the present survey also , with similar failures to idenitify uniquely some ‘ problem ’ authors .
4 Of course now it 's warm enough to start getting out in the garden , what could be better than to take a selection of water toys to play with in the paddling pool outside ?
5 a full set of toys that people used to play with in the old days , and that sort of thing
6 Given all the millennia we have to play with in the stratigraphical record , we can expect our periodic catastrophes to do all the work we want of them .
7 This power given to individuals by the Spirit is not the naked ruach that we sometimes met with in the Old Testament days in men like Saul and Samson .
8 Just as Marlowe can choose to enter into purely fantastical land of his own making , which caters for his own desires and ignores that which he is unable to cope with in the real world , Marvell can slip into his garden and is free , for a period , from the ball and chain of the world he flees from .
9 And I 've found it harder to cope with in the last two or three years .
10 On the East Bank , King Husayn had a more immediate Palestinian threat to deal with in the meteoric rise of the Palestinian resistance movement .
11 We 're not talking about whole groups of pupils who previously have been in top streams , we 're talking about half a dozen , ten individuals in any one year group and they are equally as difficult to deal with in the streamed situation .
12 Dickins had had nothing more than a back pass and a free-kick to deal with in the first 30 minutes but showed signs of nervousness when Bull challenged for a Birch free-kick .
13 Ironing out visual problems on the set is just one of the tasks that the 33-year-old Kilsyth-born Hamilton has had to deal with in the five weeks that GMTV has been on air .
14 I have shamefully mixed feelings about the F-word , because the valorous riflemen I served with in the last war could hardly utter a sentence without it .
15 Yes there are far too many overlapping institutions that self regulation has n't worked , it ha has no adequate on the annualt we welcomed 21 effective against fraud by replacing it by an independent statutory statutory based regulator which has the power to strike and strike hard rather than everything er by the the the plethora of regulations we now deal with in the financial er in the financial sector and in the respect of what 's proposed today , you ca n't rely er on auditors to be the effective police force that they 've been required to be by these er regulations .
16 I had a most interesting meeting in Scotland with all of our lay delegates there , erm on Friday and some of you within British Gas will know that in Scotland they 've even more problems with the M A P L than any of the other regions because they were operating a different system to start with in the first place .
17 The combination of different uses in separate parts of one building , rather than within individual units , is dealt with in the final chapter .
18 It was encouraging news , but the second session drew to a close with the vexed issues of religious freedom and the Jews , which were dealt with in the final two chapters of the document on ecumenism , still undecided — though Cardinal Bea insisted they would be discussed in due course .
19 Gandhi 's tolerant attitude to religions , which will be dealt with in the following chapter , is an indication that he does not consider any religion to have a monopoly of Truth and that includes Hinduism .
20 The further search for a dump for both Raybestos 's asbestos waste and County Cork 's toxic waste will be dealt with in the following chapter .
21 Most of the views dealt with in the following sections have been influenced by Marxist or Weberian theories of stratification .
22 This takes us into an area of discussion — what has broadly come to be known as ‘ the environment ’ — which will be dealt with in the following chapter .
23 Out of the eighty cases , thirty three have been dealt with in the following manner — 23 sent to Homes in Plymouth and London ; 1 sent to service in London , where she is doing well , 5 married and doing well ; 2 returned to their parents ; 1 provided with employment as a machinist and doing well ; 1 with children sent to the workhouse .
24 The triable-either way offences were classified as ‘ Summary Trial Not Available ’ — that is , the magistrate thought the case too serious to be dealt with in the lower courts — or ‘ Defendant Elects Jury Trial . ’
25 Style as self-reference , on the other hand , has already been dealt with in the preceding two sections of this chapter ; linguistic deviation , according to the Prague School , and structures of equivalence , according to Jakobson , served the purpose of focusing attention on the linguistic message as a whole , of making it refer to itself .
26 Should criminal or civil sanctions be employed , or should regulation fall to the professional bodies , to be dealt with in the time-honoured fashion of self-regulation ?
27 Penguin titles outside the core list continue to be dealt with in the usual manner .
28 In a new Ulster there would be capital punishment , so any crimes or treason would be dealt with in the appropriate manner .
29 The matter would then have been dealt with in the ordinary way , after all counsel involved had been consulted .
30 Of course , in practice , matters of substance can be dealt with in the technical setting .
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