Example sentences of "[verb] you [adv] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Caught you out there more than once .
2 How can you defend her , Claudia , when she 's let you down so badly ? ’
3 ‘ Yes , I seen you somewhere all right , ’ he said .
4 I would therefore like to finish by thanking you all most sincerely for helping us to write a further chapter in what continues to be a major UK success story .
5 You will be pleases to know that altogether we have raised £1,314.53 during 1987 and we take great pleasure in thanking you all most sincerely .
6 Exercise tones you up all over and as well as making you feel fresher and fitter , it helps you to sleep better .
7 ‘ I wo n't trouble you any more now , Mrs Hatton .
8 I mean , and you here , I want you here tomorrow too .
9 It may bring you much closer together , as for Carol and Alan .
10 I was erm , asked to er speak on behalf of the locals , as it were , and er so er what can I say but welcome back , welcome back to the where there 's nearly forty years ago you were and erm we do welcome you back here again today .
11 And I 'll welcome you back then too .
12 I hope that got us through the little post-lunch siesta period , erm , we 're going to do another er , time management game now which will take about half an hour , and I need to split you up once again into groups , erm , okay .
13 How came you off so fortunately ? ’
14 I should think you probably just about got through the toast possibly .
15 This planet inflates anything it touches so , on the one hand it will make you even more seeringly aware of the flaws in a relationship and , on the other , it will bring the great and good out of an appropriate union .
16 But he would n't be letting you use your time if you were that poor at it because they do build you up very slowly .
17 ‘ It was the excitement of seeing you again so unexpectedly . ’
18 All right , we 'll give it another day or two , but I 'm seeing you back home now , and do n't try to talk me out of it .
19 perhaps he do n't want you in now maybe business is bad
20 ‘ Well then , good day , Miss Morgan , I hope to see you again quite soon . ’
21 Would n't want to lose you so early on . ’
22 For that contribution , and for that depth of spirituality within yourself which you have brought to bear for the benefit of the work of this Board and for that of our whole church , we want to thank you very much indeed this morning .
23 Dr before we pass to other business , I would like to thank you very much indeed for all the work that the very small size panel on doctrine has carried out for the good of the assembly and the work of the church .
24 A very quick note to thank you very much indeed for all the trouble you took in seeing to the distribution , filling-in and return of the questionnaires .
25 The Renaissance pulpit and the extremely grand organ above the west door have much to be said for them , but the overall effect of the interior is to drive you straight outside again to the restorative severity of tower , porch and portal .
26 Er , no , there 's Joanna one of the girls I look after and er Rebecca who lives next door to me , erm some friends of ours years ago were going to , were thinking of buying it , it was about five thousand pounds then , so it shows ya how long ago it is
27 ‘ Just shows you how much more important I am than them , does n't it ? ’ she laughed .
28 " Look , Louise , why do n't I come over and see you both right away ? "
29 I 'll see you later then now .
30 That way people will see you as even more lovable .
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