Example sentences of "[verb] that [indef pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Taking a deep breath , he than walked slowly and sedately down one side of the lane , keeping to the shadows , praying that none of the neighbours would report a suspicious man creeping along the back of the houses .
2 The costs of a non-Europe research programme suggest that something in the region of 0.5 per cent of Community GDP may be " wasted " by nations favouring domestic public procurement policies and therefore an effective competition policy to counteract such protection measures must be accompanied by a re-distributive regional policy .
3 It is reported that everyone in the area has lost a relative as a direct result of pollution .
4 The health authorities declared a fresh state of " red alert " on Dec. 28 when further cases of cholera were discovered in three northern provinces bordering Bolivia and Paraguay , although it was reported that none of the 44 people diagnosed in the space of five days had died [ for outbreak in early 1992 see p. 38761 ] .
5 Walker also found that none of the 11 pronouns resolved correctly by the original BFP but not by Hobbs were made to fail when the alteration was made .
6 Clare had not wanted to leave Josh ( who would be three in December ) with a babysitter , but she found that none of the local nursery schools , public or private , had an available slot .
7 It is considered that something in the region of 40g daily should be quite sufficient to protect your health in all the ways which have been described , and to make it much easier for you to control your weight in the future .
8 Suddenly he realized that everyone in the queue was staring at him with frank interest and uninhibited hostility .
9 The school trip was an example of massive disorganized organization : every minute of every day was officially occupied , and Clara wasted some time before she realized that nobody in the whole world would care or even notice whether she attended each event or not .
10 YOU would think that none of the main party leaders would forget today , but past experience suggests otherwise .
11 Simply because Japan appears to be different we should guard against reversing the image by suggesting that none of the standard elements of Japanese work practices is present in the West , and that workplace conflict is rare in Japan .
12 The Louvre 's spokeswoman Sylvie Poujade has recently commented that everyone at the Louvre is sick and tired of the affair , which has turned into a living nightmare .
13 The biographical sources for this period are neither detailed nor accurate enough to allow a close analysis of the degree to which the system had become elaborated in the first half of the sixteenth century , but the broader outlines may certainly be perceived and seem to confirm that something like the provisions of the Kanunname were operating by the early years of that century .
14 He insists that everyone in the office should ‘ get out into the field ’ occasionally .
15 The Minister will have to agree that nothing in the Bill would stop whoever buys Eastern Scottish from selling the St. Andrews square bus station a fortnight later for El 5 million or thereabouts .
16 Finally , the village case study revealed that none of the village practitioners were in favour of promoting the LGS message .
17 Mr Kerr added that none of the companies that had received the irregular payments had been required to repay money .
18 Social learning theory can be applied in many cases but is too extensive when it says that nothing in the human being is innate and that everything must be learnt .
19 She says that none of the staff at the Southampton office has been made redundant , although several who have left have not yet been replaced .
20 There survives a copy of a letter sent to a priest Ælf. , almost certainly Ælfwine , which says that none of the royal councils are hidden from him , and asks for his intercession with the queen so that the writer might be given a fishery .
21 Credit Suisse said that although it had been decided that none of the managers could represent the bondholders , it would be advising them and providing them with information .
22 But the Japanese have decided that anything with the slightest chance of helping to make better microchips deserves a close look .
23 Therefore , it would appear that none of the UK companies can claim exemption from preparing a cash flow statement under para 8(a) of FRS 1 .
24 It thus has to be accepted that none of the cases cited provides in its ratio a decisive basis upon which Woolwich can rely to support its claim .
25 However , it is generally accepted that none of the items which supplement the basic 17 questions provide additional information of value .
26 The Labour Party does not believe that councils or schools should promote homosexuality , and I hope that no-one in the Committee has any doubt about that ...
27 ‘ BAII has no knowledge of the circumstances leading to his arrest , and accordingly can make no comments , other than to state that nothing in the course of his employment has given rise to any question . ’
28 It should be , however , noted that none of the complex anti-avoidance provisions that protect that boundary have been repealed : others have , in fact , been added since 1988 .
29 It seemed that everything in the championship really hung on the reliability of each driver 's car .
30 The bed faced the window that looked out over miles of countryside and it seemed that everything in the room was white , from the white , frilled curtains to the dainty white duvet cover and pillow case all edged with broderie anglaise .
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