Example sentences of "[verb] that in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 24 the government disclosed that in the Tibesti region of northern Chad 49 people had been killed in various attacks on civilians since mid-August by forces loyal to former President Hissène Habré .
2 Estimates suggest that in the European Community as a whole , at least 10% of families with children are lone parent families ( Roll , 1989 ) .
3 Government policy and commercial development thus came together to make the Tokugawa period an era of rapid urbanization ; estimates suggest that in the early 1800s around 15 per cent of the population could be considered as dwelling in urban areas .
4 If such research is indicative of UK research effort in geology as a whole , then the figures suggest that in the early 1970's , the numbers of students entering the field increased substantially .
5 If such research is indicative of UK research effort in geology as a whole , then the figures suggest that in the early 1970's , the numbers of students entering the field increased substantially , whilst at the same time , the universities were able and willing to support such an increase .
6 Similarly , estimates based on parish records suggest that in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries on average about 19 per cent of all families with children were lone-parent families ( Snell and Millar , 1987 ) .
7 These findings suggest that in the gastric mucosa free radicals or lipid peroxides are injurious offensive factors and GSH is a protecting defensive factor .
8 Our data suggest that in the quadruple vector the p10 promoter probably makes transcripts that over-run and down-regulate the downstream ph promoter products .
9 Did you know that in the Soviet cities every citizen has been provided with a gas mask ? ’
10 The hon. Lady should know that in the past 10 years exports of British manufactured goods have grown faster than those of France , Germany , America and even Japan , because manufacturing is doing so much better and needs our policies .
11 We have been referred to several recent cases , of which Padfield v. Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food is the best example , in which the courts have stressed that in the ordinary way a minister should give reasons , and if he gives none the court may infer that he had no good reasons .
12 None the less , it should be stressed that in the changed climate of the early twentieth century , there was no question of abandoning the youth organizations : that would have meant jettisoning the principle of voluntary action .
13 While it is comparatively easy to accept that in the primary years children have particular and specific qualities and that effective learning is most likely to take place in an environment which meets their intellectual , physical , social and emotional needs , it is much more difficult to define the components which make the learning environment effective .
14 Outside legal doctrine itself there has been a greater willingness to accept that in the large public company the shareholders may not perform the task of monitoring and controlling the management of the company , so that the managers are potentially left in a position of unchecked power .
15 We propose that in the phospho-free state of HPr , the open conformation of the active centre ( having residue 51 in the vicinity ) is the one most likely to be involved in the phosphotransfer process with enzyme I. But the actual interaction awaits the structure determination of enzyme I and , more relevantly , structure determination of the enzyme I/HPr complex .
16 We propose that in the short-run this depends inversely on the demand for labour , assuming that the labour force remains unchanged .
17 We propose that in the knee-elbow position , mobile bowel loops shift to a dependent position , while the rectum remains uppermost .
18 For example , Pla et al. ( 1985 ) report that in the northern central plains of Venezuela rain-fed production of sorghum and maize have resulted in accelerated erosion and an increase in flood frequency .
19 It emphasises that in the final analysis it is not what the electors , or judges , or a returning officer may say , but what the House itself says , which determines whether a successful candidate may take a seat .
20 But it was also claimed that in the late 1970s certain telephones were tapped irrespective of any industrial dispute .
21 Joseph II in the 1780s attached great importance to its work ( not surprisingly for a ruler of his suspicious and autocratic temperament ) and it was claimed that in the single year 1780 – 81 alone no fewer than fifteen foreign diplomatic cyphers were broken in Vienna .
22 Miti also claimed that in the past five years Japan 's imports from its 10 largest trading partners had increased by 96 per cent , while exports had risen by only 45 per cent .
23 Many scholars expect that in the future everything will be saved from information systems , and access will be provided via networks by some form of query language .
24 The Government should not be particularly bothered about competition but [ should ] realise that in the modern world you are going to have a number of standard-bearer companies .
25 Sources at Bull say that in the multi-annual plan , although Pache is likely to outline further potential partnerships and cost-cutting measures , it is difficult to imagine that the new French government will refuse all further financing for Bull , letting it run the risk of receivership and the dumping of 30,000 workers , at a time when France 's biggest concern is retaining and creating new jobs .
26 He then writes that in the early part of 821/early 1418 , Molla Fenari appointed his younger son , Sinan al-Din Yusuf Bali Celebi ( Yusuf Bali ) , as naib for the kadilik of Bursa and with his elder son , Muhyi " l-Din Muhammad Shah Celebi ( Mehmed Sah Fenari ) , went directly to Egypt where he spent Ramadan at the Zayniyya medrese and awaited the arrival of Seyh Zeyneddin , with whom he subsequently made the pilgrimage in 822 , departing from , and returning to , Jerusalem .
27 The last line illustrates that in the covariant derivative of a tensor of second order or higher there is one term for each index .
28 I was happy to find that in the scholarly ( 237 references in 1991 ) introductory chapter written by the editors most of the territory was familiar .
29 Official figures give average class sizes as forty to fifty , but it is reported that in the rural areas there are often seventy to eighty children in a class .
30 On Sept. 18 it was reported that in the previous week five truck drivers had been killed by armed groups , probably of the Afar clan , on the road from the port of Assab to Addis Ababa .
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