Example sentences of "[verb] that [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By praying that many children from the local area will be drawn to the Holiday Club and the Church , with their families , and ultimately to faith in Jesus .
2 First of all one can deflect it by denying that some forms of species solidarity are mere bias .
3 A press statement was issued by Ron Gilbert on behalf of the council , emphatically denying that medical evidence of alleged child abuse had been ‘ leaked ’ to a Sunday newspaper .
4 An internal memo by a senior employee at the Rocky Flats plant in Colorado has disclosed that substantial amounts of highly radioactive plutonium are stored in unsafe or untested containers and in unstable condition and are not suitably protected against fire .
5 A US military spokesperson has also disclosed that toxic waste from bases in Italy , Spain and Germany is likely to be shipped to Britain by UK waste-disposal companies which are sub-contracted by foreign firms hired by US bases .
6 On Sept. 3 Minister of Defence Samba Lamine Mane disclosed that large numbers of soldiers had deserted because of appalling living standards ; every armed forces unit had been affected by desertions ( he did not specify the exact number ) , and 80 army and naval officers were threatening to strike if there were no improvement in food and accommodation .
7 Nevertheless his choreographic plan is so designed that each movement of every dancer , whether as an individual or part of the group , is co-ordinated with the others so that it fits correctly into the overall pattern and within the space allotted by stage , wings and backcloth which — in Symphonic Variations — delicately echoes the curving lines or the dance .
8 Given the terms of reference , those who signed the majority Report might well have supposed that that part of the argument had been decided .
9 To be plain , I 'm a bit exhausted , secretly , about the intellectual advantages that are supposed ( by intellectuals ) to accrue from being physically underendowed or peculiar-looking , though it 's possible to keep up the front in public and many a gulled beloved has supposed that this joke of a frame is where my energy comes from .
10 Bohncke proposes from detailed pollen analyses of several pollen profiles that human clearance of these pockets began as early as 7600 , 5000 , and 4200 B.P ..
11 But the experienced specialist has professional skills and insights which suggest that better results in the longer term could come from challenging some clients on their analysis of the situation .
12 Here we describe geochemical and microbiological studies which suggest that contemporary formation of siderite concretions in a salt-marsh sediment results from the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria .
13 The joint boards created in the wake of the abolition of the metropolitan county councils in England to cover such activities as strategic planning , fire and police services , for example , point in this direction , while the major development agencies in Wales and Scotland ( and Northern Ireland ) also suggest that regional bases for political negotiations remain important .
14 In modern Britain studies of ‘ elite self-recruitment ’ suggest that certain types of job , such as senior positions in the Civil Service , are usually filled by those who have attended public school .
15 Answers given by the forty women in the sample to questions about work tasks suggest that certain characteristics of housework may be more or less uniformly experienced as dissatisfying while others are potentially rewarding .
16 Extensive work by gerontologists on service provision for old people and their responses to it suggest that cheaper alternatives to some costly services might enable more of the elderly to remain fitter and independent of institutions for longer .
17 Unless the patient throughput per doctor or nurse at a reference centre is higher than that in the hospital , economies of scale suggest that average costs at this new tier will be greater .
18 An early Inland Revenue analysis of the revaluation suggest that 240,000 businesses in England face increases of 100 per cent or more in their annual bills ; about 230,000 rises between 50 and 100 per cent and a further 390,000 increases of between five and 50 per cent .
19 Wallace and Cross ( 1990 ) suggest that young people in the 1990s are no longer setters of trends but ‘ have become to some objects of pity and concern ’ ( Wallace and Cross 1990 : 7 ) , more vulnerable and dependent than in the recent past .
20 The data suggest that optimal outcome for the fetus can be achieved only when maternal phenylalanine concentrations are close to normal from early gestation .
21 The statements suggest that annual reports of plcs and large private companies should include a statement about directors ' responsibilities , acknowledging the role directors ' play in the preparation of the financial statements , and their responsibilities for the decision on whether a going concern basis is appropriate , and for ensuring that adequate financial controls are in place .
22 Our calculations of relative attributable risk suggest that increased smoking by Maori mothers explained about half ( 57% ) of the excess risk of sudden infant death syndrome among Maori children .
23 Moreover , recent findings suggest that increased levels of luteinising hormone , which may also be associated with hyperinsulinaemia , might decrease the spontaneous chance of conceiving and increase spontaneous abortion rates .
24 As Myc and Max should preferentially form heterodimers ( Fig. 3 b ) , we suggest that mitogenic induction of Myc expression leads to a shift in the equilibrium from Max+Max to Myc+Max .
25 Other unification schemes suggest that other modes of proton decay should be more common , such as the decay into a muon and two .
26 But the dynamics of root length and root biomass production and mortality are similar within both forests ( R.L.H. and K.S.P. , manuscript in preparation ) and our results suggest that temporal differences in biomass ‘ turnover ’ may be due to temporal variation in root production , not in root mortality , in ecosystems like those we studied .
27 I suggest that one solution for biologists will be to apply their expertise to the new science of socioecology , and the environment of the office .
28 suggest that such changes in helix geometry could constitute a general mechanism of adaptation to insertions or deletions .
29 Burbach and Flynn ( 1980 ) suggest that similar problems in Latin America have similar explanations .
30 However , other circumstances of the changes suggest that similar forces for change were at work to those elsewhere in the country : rationalization , the drive for cost-effectiveness and the redrawing of hospital catchment areas .
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