Example sentences of "[verb] not [verb] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I did not realise we had guests . ’
2 ‘ British soldiers are the best in the world , ’ a schoolmaster told his class , adding , for the benefit of the Kindertransporte pupils , ‘ You people did not think we had it in us . ’
3 We thus engage in cultural confrontations in which we suddenly perceive how our vision is clouded and distorted by hidden assumptions that we did not know we entertained .
4 If we do not evolve we stagnate and rot .
5 As Cohen ( 1984 : 227 ) points out : ‘ by detachment I do not mean we have to distance ourselves emotionally ; that I think would be perverse .
6 In a sense , we do not feel we have any direct competitor in Paris .
7 ‘ Given a level playing field , I do not feel we have much to fear , ’ he said .
8 I do not think we get much further by supposing that Jesus gave two insufflations of his Holy Spirit , one in John 's upper room , and one at Luke 's Pentecost .
9 Do n't shout at me ; it gives a ghost a fright I 've only come to have a little chat I do not think we 've met .
10 ‘ Whatever our mistakes — and we made some — I truly do not think we deserved this . ’
11 Personally , I do not think we need an alternative god to look up to .
12 For myself , I do not think we need to be quite so pessimistic .
13 I repeat , however : I do not think we face war .
14 I do not think we have enough police living locally .
15 I do not think we do this . ’
16 Perhaps there are even some who do not realize we have a magazine , and all those who do know and have supported it in the past , do you really want the magazine to die and be no more ?
17 We did n't think we had a right to judge .
18 I did n't think we had been .
19 ‘ I did n't think we had any chance of catching him but I just kept shoving and shouting and he got there in the end , ’ said Antoinette .
20 No I did n't think we had .
21 ‘ If we did n't think we had a chance of winning the election we could have produced a manifesto that promised the earth , ’ said party chairman Kees Maxey .
22 I did n't think we played poorly .
23 I started off with the three men in the middle of the park Saturday , we changed it round because I think we needed an extra striker at the Wolves , and I did n't think we played that badly .
24 I did n't think we 'd done anything about that this year .
25 I did n't think we 'd started .
26 if Brian did n't think we needed it then it did n't even get a lookout let alone er er resources allocated to it .
27 Cos he did n't think we wanted one .
28 ‘ I did n't think we helped much on Jimmy Shine , ’ said Yates .
29 Did n't realise we got the shafts again now .
30 ‘ I know we should n't have let him go , but I did n't feel we know him well enough to tell him he was too drunk to drive . ’
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