Example sentences of "[verb] not [verb] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The chimpanzee has not waited for evolution to shape its body into a specialised tool .
2 The matter has not fallen for consideration since , and the Hansard litigation remains the source for the existing modus vivendi as between the courts and Parliament .
3 So far , the City Airport has not applied for building approval for new roads , or additional car parking which would be necessary for the move .
4 A prison source told TODAY last night : ‘ Courtney does not see himself as a sex offender so he has not applied for Category C status .
5 Oh no but if you look at the responsibility an E O has n't got for scale three , why are we flogging ourselves to death on scale four ?
6 They had already decided not to go for Display PostScript — the on-screen imaging model that matches the printer language — but to concentrate on enhancing QuickDraw .
7 Committee Miss J. Brown and Mrs. V. Hawkins have decided not to stand for re-election to the committee .
8 Committee Miss J. Brown and Mrs. V. Hawkins have decided not to stand for re-election to the committee .
9 He decided not to go for repair grants .
10 However , it must be emphasised that all the women who chose not to register for work actually did want paid employment and took up any employment opportunities which arose ( Callender , 1986a ) .
11 Quite a lot of young girls , however , choose not to sue for child maintenance .
12 She did not aim for sleep , though , but lay there for an age wanting some of her anger back .
13 Of course he had some other assets , but the collapse of the central part of his fortune did not make for buoyancy .
14 This reciprocal position did not make for sincerity and real understanding .
15 The place suddenly had its history of bloodletting to be sniffed , and yet even that was not exciting , maybe because the Nîmois did not roar for blood as the Romans had , but sunned themselves and discussed finer points of capework .
16 The studies reported in this table did not control for maturity or seasonality effects in the distribution , that is , they studied the distribution of futures price changes or returns across all seasons of the year and for a variety of contract maturities ( maturity effects on the distribution are discussed in Chapter 8 , while seasonality effects are considered in Chapter 9 ) .
17 Sam ran off across the yard ; he did not appear for lunch .
18 They did not talk for talking 's sake , in the artificial manner that human beings — and sometimes even their dogs and cats — do .
19 She did not stay for coffee .
20 He did not stay for coffee but left the hotel and walked down the almost deserted main street .
21 There were seventy- five paintings in the exhibition and by the time I left , which was quite early as I did not stay for dinner , most of the pictures had a little red sold label .
22 ‘ He did not change for death till about four o'clock on the day he died .
23 He replaces Berndt Schultz , the Fair 's founder , who did not stand for re-election .
24 European leaders who had feared since Korea that America 's relentless anti-Communism would end in disaster gave Johnson little support and he did not stand for re-election in 1968 .
25 He did not stand for re-election to the Parliament of 1780 ; but he was elected for Ripon in 1787 , and became a commissioner of the Board of Trade in 1788 .
26 However , she did not stand for re-election in 1979 .
27 Kokoomus , led by the outgoing Prime Minister , Harri Holkeri ( who did not stand for re-election ) , lost 3.8 per cent and 13 of its 53 seats .
28 Poor men in the country did not travel for pleasure at all , combining enjoyment with business at markets and fairs .
29 They embraced at the last , but did not speak for fear of the clarity with which even a whisper might carry here .
30 So the question of the soundness of Atkins L.J . 's dictum did not arise for decision in that case .
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