Example sentences of "[verb] for the [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 In the 870s , his successors Hadrian II and John VIII exploited an impending imperial vacancy ( Louis II of Italy lacked a male heir ) to claim for the papacy the right to choose emperors .
2 Now the Anyons will be returning on dives to search for the boat the sword guard came from .
3 I mean for the Republicans the purpose is a united Ireland .
4 One of Jacob Rothschild 's first decisions as Chairman of the National Heritage Memorial Fund was not to acquire for the nation the most comprehensive collection in England of naive art shop signs , weather vanes , country furniture , marine samplers and quilts , made between 1750 and 1900 offered by dealer/collector Andras Kalman .
5 Whilst we recommend a retail price for all sizes as with all similar product on the market it will be up to the vendor to adjust for the prices the margins that they require .
6 Ariel began to long for the peace the latter draughts brought to her .
7 In his search to act as arbiter and to secure for the papacy the defensor so needed in his ecclesiastical-political programme for Europe he had ( as it seemed ) changed sides three times , much as the princes themselves .
8 The verderers were enabled , in return for an annual payment of £1 , to secure for the commoners the right to turn out their animals during these periods from year to year .
9 During the Second World War , three influential reports were published which were to shape the evolution of statutory planing : the Barlow Report , in 1940 , which advocated controlled industrial decentralization from the conurbations ; the Scott Report , in 1942 , which argued for a system of planning controls to protect the agricultural use of the countryside ; and the Uthwatt Report , also in 1942 , which recommended nationalization of undeveloped land to secure for the community the value added to land by the planning system .
10 In Kenya , though there was relatively little pressure for further alienation of Masai land after the second Masai move , what pressure there was was resisted by the administration , and R.W. Hemsted tried repeatedly to retrieve for the Masai the land alienated to Powys Cobb , which contained streams of crucial importance to Masai stock .
11 So , forget for the moment the big tourist attraction : explore your local area .
12 The case only confined for the policemen the inequities of the legal system : justice depends on who the prisoner gets .
13 ‘ The unemployed can not wait for the recovery the Tories are waiting for .
14 Before applying for the order the LEA would normally have to consult the local authority social services committee .
15 Problems with the software have prevented for the moment the implementation of an automated indexing system .
16 In each of the 10 practices selected for the study the practice manager or lead fundholding clinician , or both , agreed to be interviewed .
17 MAS should ensure that when acting for the vendor the contents of the Information memorandum and any other correspondence , it and the rest of KADVISERG may have had with the purchaser is disclosed in the contract .
18 The runners in the group , when not occupied in pushing chairs , collected money in buckets on the way round and £330 was collected for the home the disabled athletes come from .
19 The hotel tariff is the structure of charges made for the services the hotel provides .
20 I affected to become social with the others but out of the corner of my mind — while I played for the others the part of a poor miner 's son who was puzzled , but delighted by the attention these lovely people paid to him — I had her under close observation …
21 On the one hand they strengthened the polytechnics ' resistance to the institutional review element in the CNAA 's procedures , but on the other hand they confirmed for the CNAA the value of gaining intelligence about the overall health of the institutions .
22 When one boy attempted to impart some sense of movement to the still life by pouring himself an imaginary cup of tea the teacher lightly but firmly kicked him back to his seat , smiling and talking in a manner that confirmed for the pupil the ‘ naturalness ’ of this action .
23 So when the searcher eventually believes and becomes a Christian ( I am ignoring for the moment the other levels of understanding which are involved ) , he is nothing if not a man with a memory and a man of special gratitude : Whatever he becomes , wherever he goes , whatever he does , he should never be unaware of what once was , what might have been and what could well be again .
24 We will start by noting that the optimal tableau for problem P1 is P1/T1 , ignoring for the moment the extra rows ( a ) , ( b ) and ( b ‘ ) , and the extra resource column ( c ) .
25 Ignoring for the moment the force of the word ‘ really ’ in this argument , we can still feel confident that even if we give up talking of knowledge , granting that a necessary condition for knowing is unfulfilled , we can happily continue to talk about justified belief , distinguishing some beliefs as justified or as more justified than others and others as less justified or even completely unjustified .
26 If they are then housed for the winter the immunity acquired by the end of the grazing season has waned by the following spring and yearlings turned out at that time are partially susceptible to reinfection and so contaminate the pasture with small numbers of eggs .
27 I was waiting for the ambulance the ambulance just came
28 In all the Odes there is scarcely a strophe , perhaps hardly a line , that does not transmute word order into word mosaic , a deliberate fragmentation that creates for the reader the pleasurable tension of wondering how the sense will be resolved , accompanied by the stimulus of casual associations , as one word runs against another .
29 I thought , oh dear , so we got to bed by this time , and we lay , and we just could n't get to sleep for the noise the tent was making .
30 The transfer of ideas between scientists , disregarding for the moment the nature of the medium used for exchange , can be described either as personal or as formal .
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