Example sentences of "[verb] for [pers pn] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We await the Light of the World with this powerful symbol underlining for us the real nature of Advent : a time of expectation ‘ as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ ’ .
2 More than any other sound , more even than the grunting roar of a lion , their howling evokes for me the African night .
3 That 's right : someone rang up and asked for him the other day .
4 Through the horse , we have emphasized for us the animalistic and instinctive nature of the male ( or human ? ) sexual appetite .
5 Only marriage has for him the required social connotations , expressing the kind of personal and social commitment mentioned earlier .
6 Although writing here with a different purpose from our own — and exclusively from a psychodynamic perspective — Anthony nevertheless articulates for us the final theme that remains to be developed in this chapter , which concerns the formal similarities between the mechanisms of mad and creative thought .
7 Modigliani declined as politely but suggested to Lunia that she should come to his studio and pose for him the following day .
8 He finds Miriam appealing and she holds for him the added attraction of being married and committed herself .
9 She made her way towards the small window table selected for her the previous evening , but before she could sit down Silas came to her side .
10 She was surprised by the extent of Sue 's gratitude , when she came looking for them the following evening .
11 His poem exemplifies for me the many wonders and the brilliant light of the transcendent ; and also the unity of our soul as it basks in the warmth of that light .
12 Sandy was going to the US and I asked if I could carry for him the next year , but everybody was asking so I did n't get very far .
13 His daughter fed him on tins of baby food , which again confirmed for me the sour joke of existence and the particular contemptibility of this old man .
14 New friendships , as much as politics and poetry , transformed for him the final years of school .
15 Who would like to have a go at describing for us the General Assembly of the United Nations ?
16 The reader will not , however , begrudge the author 's serendipity which , especially at election time , succeeded in extracting for him the following from Smollett 's Humphrey Clinker ( 1771 ) : I know nothing so abject as the behaviour of a man canvassing for a seat in Parliament .
17 There was a car waiting , but because of the fog they abandoned the idea of driving down and went to the railway station , caught a train with minutes to spare , picked up the car that was waiting for them the other end , rang the studio from the car phone to let them know where they were , and ran into London Weekend Television .
18 His doctor constantly suggested to him the benefits of sun and sea air ( not that he needed any encouragement to visit the sea , since it still evoked for him the happiest memories ) , and in July they travelled , with Eliot 's sister who had come from America , to the Isle of Wight for two weeks .
19 His wife hated their life here in Munding , and what had happened in the ice-bound park at Easterness had become for her the final bitter vindication of that hate .
20 These caches usually consist of single prey species , and if the predator does not return for them the resulting bone assemblage should consist of more or less complete skeletons from one or a limited number of species .
21 Herman Schrijver had Lesley Blanche [ best known for her The Wilder Shores of Love ] and Ivy and me to lunch , and most amusing it was .
22 It did not have for him the magnetic feel of the two letters which were folded into his pocket , but it represented the tease of curiosity .
23 Homework is done by women whose role as unpaid caretakers of a nation 's dependents forces them out of the competition of the job market , and , still needing to earn , into work which is desperately tedious , which has to be carried out in isolation , thus losing for them the only element which makes tedious work bearable — the cameradie of the factory floor .
24 He would never set foot in Liberty 's , let alone Harrods — those haunts of the rich and the would-be rich represented for him the scornful laughter of the haves towards the have-nots .
25 In Lawrence 's Women in Love , completed in 1916 , Birkin contemplates the purchase of a ‘ clear , beautiful chair ’ which expresses for him the living thoughts of ‘ England , even Jane Austen 's England ’ , before these were destroyed by ‘ sordid and foul mechanicalness ’ .
26 Nineteenth-century liberalism was to inherit hostility to religious charity without substituting for it the planned charity of the state .
27 If our young girls are to learn the profession , let them serve a seven years apprenticeship and when they have completed it , I ask for them the same wages as are paid for journeymen …
28 He then ordered a car to call for him the next morning for a similar occasion and was felled by a stroke while waiting for the lift .
29 The chief executive or clerk of a local authority is always anxious to assist members by giving and obtaining for them the fullest information for their work .
30 I wrote for him the following poem ; it seems to me now rather jejune , but it was the spontaneous overflow from a heart both proud and anxious , and not greatly concerned with turning out a literary exemplar : Parachutists ( for L.G.C. )
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