Example sentences of "[verb] for [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Twenty-seven veterans of the summer campaign to Argentina ( minus centre Christian Coeurville who is involved in exams ) , along with the ‘ tired trio ’ — Sella , Mesnel and LaFond — and the ‘ banned trio ’ of Gimbert , Benazzi and Roumat , and Sebastian Conchy ( the Begles and French students flanker ) met for a squad session in Leon in South West France .
2 In the first week of January 1979 , President Giscard d'Estaing expounded his view when he met for a summit conference with Jimmy Carter , Hemut Schmidt , the West German chancellor , and James Callaghan , the British prime minister , on the French West Indian island of Guadeloupe .
3 Two years ago the 41year-old received a similar amount when his former teams of Liverpool and Arsenal met for a testimonial match .
4 For instance , annual sales forecasting for a manufacturing activity undertaking a wide variety of large complex engineering work on a unit and small batch basis may be carried out using a combination of queuing , scheduling and inventory based methods .
5 The majority of opinion reports from the SD and other agencies of the regime reaching the Nazi leadership point nevertheless towards conclusions about the impact on morale similar to those we have witnessed for the Schweinfurt area .
6 Do n't you think for a rock'n'roll band it is somewhat stupid to promote this government idea , especially here in Belgium ? ’
7 Seven days — a week — is a long time to wait for a telephone service nowadays .
8 To find its most lasting realization , Charlie 's vision would have to wait for a bank clerk who did understand metempsychosis , and who had not only a commercial education gained in an underground room at Lloyds Bank , but also a knowledge of Greek .
9 ( Of course , for my friends to stand a chance of receiving any correspondence from me means that I either have to wait for the guilt level to rise sufficiently ( which is a slow process ) , or to unearth other things to put on my list like ‘ Install central heating ’ and ‘ Decorate bathroom ’ . )
10 The visitors did n't have long to wait for the opening goal .
11 The part has an enlarged on-chip primary write-back cache rather than the write-through cache of the 80486 , which means that the CPU does not have to wait for the cache controller to copy stored data back to main memory .
12 There was full consultation between family heads at each stage of the project and only a handful of families , mostly shop-owners , opted to wait for the Government supply which reached Perteguhan 18 months later .
13 Although nationalists could express themselves freely in cultural terms , their aspiration for a united Ireland would have to wait for the ballot box to decide .
14 The simplest method would have been for a French submarine to wait for the Rainbow Warrior somewhere on the high seas and sink it with a torpedo but that posed the problem of what to do with any survivors .
15 As a result two US and two UK telephone companies are strongly competing for the network business , and a decision on who to use is expected shortly .
16 They looked at each other warily , circling for an opening remark .
17 Survivors thought their vehicles had been stopped for a security check ; the shock of what they 'd seen sent this young Palestinian into deep trauma .
18 Certainly the August cover image is likely to have prompted the three votes received for the king vulture .
19 Only occasional specimens are received for the aquarium trade .
20 Gourmet shops and galleries , furniture and fashion , antiques and 1066 collectables , books on the Battle of Hastings and , of course , the Sussex trug , will make for a shopping experience surrounded in history .
21 All of which would make for a rave review , were it not for the fact that , for all their charm , the Jays ' every move oozes lamentable irrelevance .
22 They say imaginative management and co-operation with tenants will make for a model estate .
23 In Britain , though , ever since his selection the media had become very excited about Allan Wells , almost willing him to win , to have the come-back that would make for a fairy-tale ending .
24 Only at the last minute , by forced marches , would it suddenly make for the Channel coast .
25 But I did make for the baize door a little more quickly than on my way in , and in the semi-darkness stumbled over one of the wellingtons , kicking it half-way across the floor .
26 As a result of this a full-time Keeper was appointed and in 1969 the University Grants Committee financed the Collection 's move to new premises as part of the refurbishment of the VanDyck Printers Building for the Drama Department .
27 Later I was wakened by someone else in the room fumbling for the light switch .
28 NEWCASTLE UNITED will not be punished for the touchline brawl with the Italians at St James ' Park .
29 This Meeting consider that the sum appropriated for the Steam Boat last year would be best disposed of by carrying on works of utility to the Island … "
30 When they acquired holes he applied for a clothing grant .
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