Example sentences of "[verb] for [art] [noun] where " in BNC.

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1 So I think there is a need to plan for a location where this new settlement is going to be successful , recognizing that failure to attract appropriate er private sector interest will mean poor quality design and social provision which will obviously detract from the new settlement as a place to live and also undermine its role in terms of the Greater York area .
2 A problem may obviously arise for the builder where the nominated supplier makes deliveries late in the month and the relevant invoices are not available at the date of the valuation .
3 When the surviving Romanovs asked for the house where the Tsar was killed to be turned into a museum , Yeltsin and his Politburo colleagues had it demolished .
4 Bull was always , first and foremost , a virtuoso both of technical invention and obviously of performance , even in compositions probably or certainly intended for the organ where he appears as the direct heir of Preston and Blitheman .
5 Maggie sat with the others and Natasha made for the bar where Muriel , an orange-haired dragon somewhere in her seventies , held sway as chief barmaid .
6 This is designed for the situation where it may be necessary to make the shares of a departing employee or director available to attract replacement management .
7 NIREX will opt for the place where they are least likely to meet opposition .
8 On the morning of the fourth day , with Men and People still in pursuit wherever he went , Creggan headed for a place where the food was where no Men were near .
9 He turned and headed for the door where he paused for a moment .
10 They placed bombs on two isolated aircraft and then headed for the hangars where they expected to find some worthwhile booty .
11 No estimates of perinatal mortality rates were made for the units where few referrals and subsequent perinatal deaths occurred .
12 If I have to do what is necessary here before looking for a position where the statistical likelihood of victory is higher , so be it , ’ he said .
13 Understandably , he is looking for a place where he can not be reached , A Retreat where he can enjoy an unearned or undeserved equilibrium .
14 What they do have in common is that in all cases industry will be looking for the location where it can make the best profit .
15 Are you looking for the interaction where you learn something about the culture from talking to the people or do you want minimal interaction where simply you visit a place , and you stay in your little bubble or ghetto with people of your own tour company , you do everything together and you never come into contact with local people .
16 He entered the maze of streets and alleyways below Piazza Amedeo , looking for the place where he had seen the little beggar girl with the bandaged leg .
17 And are you still looking for the thing where you go and buy and you give a fiver and it 's worth
18 George pushed his way through the throng , looking for the spot where the shepherds were gathered .
19 It buys weapons while Iraqi arms purchases are embargoed , and while UN inspectors prowl the Iraqi desert destroying chemical weapons and looking for the places where Mr Hussein may still be trying to build nuclear ones .
20 He and his crew are searching for the Land Where the Sun Goes at Night .
21 Well if it was me to keep it balanced I usually put the bigger ones near the bottom or on one side so that the small bit are at the top and the big bits are at the bottom and artistically it looks a bit better balanced but it does n't really matter for the maths where you put it .
22 ‘ Estimated risk ’ will be used for the cases where a person is making an estimate of risk while not actually in a situation to experience the risk they are estimating .
23 Deeply grateful to Kathy , she said , ‘ Tomorrow I 'm going to pick up Josh , take the train to Warminster , and look for a place where we can start all over again . ’
24 They fell into step , heading for the pub where they 'd arranged to meet some of the other girls prior to going on to the dance .
25 Typically , three-year-olds , but not four-year-olds , say that Mary will look for the coin where it really is — in the blue box .
26 Lady Selvedge and Mrs Grandison arrived at Victoria Station on the day of the bazaar shortly after noon , and proceeded to look for a place where they might have lunch , or luncheon , as they called it .
27 Mr Clarke called for a system where prisoners were fed at normal meal times , had the space and opportunity to better themselves and address their offending behaviour .
28 Question 4 is to allow for the case where a commercial package deal would be more beneficial to the company than making the item in-house .
29 Question 4 is to allow for the case where a commercial package deal would be more beneficial to the company than making the item in-house .
30 The most of would go for a house where people were out , not in .
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