Example sentences of "[verb] for [noun] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I hope that the paper will contribute to the debate about the nature and form of organizing for health in other countries .
2 Greece applied for membership in 1975 and finally became a Member State on 1 January 1981 .
3 But Whiteside points out : ‘ Remember how we qualified for Mexico in 1986 ?
4 Platt was soon on the mark after leading out an England team sporting a new strip and aiming to go for goals in this Group II encounter .
5 Platt was soon on the mark after leading out an England team sporting a new strip and aiming to go for goals in this Group II encounter .
6 The results of Box and Hale show that for post-war England and Wales , unemployment and imprisonment were positively related even after allowing for variations in other factors .
7 He was an honest man : differences between the two quartos are very real , and they point to an obvious conclusion — that The Fairy Queen first staged in 1692 was significantly altered for revival in 1693 .
8 It apparently intends melding 32-bit versions of Windows and DOS ( the reputed DOS 7.0 ) in one package reportedly slated for delivery in 18 to 24 months .
9 Due to the growth of the course , there is not now examination space in the Polytechnic to examine the total number of students registered for modules in each examination session .
10 He therefore gave authority to one Edward Sawyer to make inquiries , and to search for evidence in all houses and places in Kettering and five miles around .
11 Telephone numbers only will be given for contact in general .
12 Today the reasons for dispersal are of course internal , apart from the general rise in costs , and are similar to those given for dispersals in private institutional lending libraries .
13 They often rode for hours in contented silence , remembering the good years behind them when everything had been simple and summer seemed to last for ever .
14 Rather there is an essential assumption of that basic face-to-face conversational context in which all humans acquire language , or as Lyons ( 1977a : 637-8 ) has put it rather more precisely : The grammaticalization and lexicalization of deixis is best understood in relation to what may be termed the canonical situation of utterance : this involves one-one , or one-many , signalling in the phonic medium along the vocal-auditory channel , with all the participants present in the same actual situation able to see one another and to perceive the associated non-vocal paralinguistic features of their utterances , and each assuming the role of sender and receiver in turn There is much in the structure of languages that can only be explained on the assumption that they have developed for communication in face-to-face interaction .
15 Also included are several specially developed for use in primary schools , which will be available in the near future . "
16 Latex barriers were originally developed for use in dental surgery ( hence their other name ‘ dental dams ’ ) and are sheets of thin rubber around five inches square .
17 Gas chromatographic methods for the determination of herbicides , for example Simazine and Atrazine , are being developed for use in groundwater-pollution studies carried out by the BGS 's Hydro-geology Group .
18 This metal was specially developed for use in magnetic control systems and amplifiers and has a remarkably rectangular hysteresis loop in which the remanent flux is only 2.6% less than the saturation flux .
19 So far , compounds with less chlorine have been developed for use in commercial and domestic refrigeration units .
20 There are projected outlets , too , for new , high-purity silicates currently being developed for applications in high technology .
21 It is likely that group awards in sciences will be developed for introduction in 1993 using the new framework of modules .
22 Rowe and Lambert , in describing the aspirations of social workers in child care before 1970 , thought that the failure to plan for children in public care stemmed in part from a rejection by social workers of state care for children as a permanent alternative to care by the natural family .
23 Benefits are defined as improvements in life expectancy adjusted for changes in four key indicators of quality of life : physical mobility , capacity for self-care , freedom from pain and distress and social adjustment .
24 In less lofty circles , pay rises do not compensate for changes in other conditions at work .
25 This neatly demonstrates the Racal approach which has produced Vodafone : invest heavily in value-added services whose growth can compensate for difficulties in traditional product areas .
26 For a while it proved a highly successful combination , but eventually it became apparent that the Japanese spirit could not compensate for inferiority in industrial strength and natural resources in dispelling any sense of national insecurity .
27 So the question of the soundness of Atkins L.J . 's dictum did not arise for decision in that case .
28 Problems can also arise for people in urban areas , some of whom suffer from " winter depression " , making them dull and lethargic during the day and unable to sleep at night .
29 She had to scramble daily through dense thorny undergrowth , up and down ravines slippery with mud , sit for hours in pouring rain , cope with illness and poisonous insects and marauding baboons .
30 In 1985 Cox 's paper was timely and asked for shifts in American Irish and British labour politics in a wholly correct way .
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