Example sentences of "[verb] it a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This view , if it could be adequately defended , would successfully stave off individualism by denying it a significant part in social explanation ; but to establish the point is far from easy .
2 Has it a long publishing history ( many impressions ) ?
3 CAPENHURST 'S safety record which last year won it a certificate of merit from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has earned it a second award this year .
4 The old tiger himself pronounced it a good idea , even if his friends had to listen in a state of uncharacteristic sobriety .
5 Health physics monitor Steven Crozier , a fitness enthusiast who was one of the group who visited Peel Park to collect the 1993 award , tried out the new multi-gym and pronounced it a real asset ( below ) .
6 Grimma took another step forward and caught it a backward thump across the muzzle .
7 Again she found herself responding to the fever of his passionate desire , and as her own need rose to meet it a small cry of yearning left her — a cry that was accompanied by a totally different cry that echoed from downstairs .
8 Picasso had abandoned the use of a consistent light source a year earlier only to reinstate it a few months later in the paintings done in Paris during the winter .
9 Mainly because erm wires got crossed and er the 's Hall folks want us to go again to do exchange at the end of November , and Well we 'll discuss it a little bit further .
10 You can make a ceiling seem much higher by painting it a lighter colour than the walls and keeping the floor a light tone as well .
11 The subtitle is ‘ Making Feminist Sense of International Politics ’ , which itself should be striking enough to secure it a decent sale in alternative bookshops .
12 In some circumstances , a commercial party may be able to invoke doctrines such as economic duress , that an oppressive term was introduced into a contract without adequate notification , or that another owes it a fiduciary duty .
13 If you tell him to jump a jump twice , he does it ; but when you tell him to jump it a third time , he says , ‘ I 've had it , I 've done it twice and I 'm not going to do it again ! ’
14 He is made to jump it a third time , even if you have to stand there all night .
15 I moved it a little way away .
16 okay Right you mentioned it a few minutes ago you suggested that this thing was formed .
17 Everyone writes it a little bit differently , with a personality all his own .
18 Researchers in this area are likely to find it a useful entry to the literature , and a source of ideas on research needs .
19 GLASS giant Pilkington continues to find it a hard grind .
20 And if I could bring him to reconciliation with the king , without more bloodshed and without revenge , I would count it a good deed both for England and Wales .
21 I weighed it a few minutes later and was delighted , to say the least , when it pulled the needle round to 10lb 3oz .
22 Yet despite that authoritative vindication , the moment the PLO makes what might at first sight appear a slight regression to its old-style militancy , the US promptly joins the Israeli ‘ extremists ’ in pronouncing it a serious setback for the peace process .
23 If you dive after a surface interval of more than 10 minutes , the Solution will consider it a second dive , and dive time will start again from zero .
24 ‘ I 've since had quite a number of first division chairmen clearly indicating they did not consider it a final offer and that they want this thing settled , ’ said Taylor .
25 Andrew might also consider it a useful opportunity to further his England captaincy claims , for which he has a growing number of supporters — although he expresses no such wish , since his old school-mate , Will Carling , currently holds the job .
26 If you have trouble obtaining a reservation at a particular kennel , you can consider it a good sign .
27 But a spokesman from Berne said : ‘ We did not consider it a serious incident .
28 But I would consider it a great honour and privilege if you would allow me to help you overcome this disadvantage by making you a gift of whatever you may need . ’
29 For one man to achieve the supreme state of Cosmic Consciousness , a state of absolute serenity , perfect peace and harmony , boundless knowledge and universal understanding , should this require the application of a thousand stout sticks , I would consider it a small price to pay .
30 As the following sections show , however , case load problems were not as great as predicted ; and although the development officers continued to feel some lack of back-up services they did not consider it a severe impediment to their implementation of the project .
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