Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun pl] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 The bid , via a share swap , will merge their operations to make the Swedish group the 20th largest European insurer .
2 He is conducting a field trip to some of the places where once ‘ black smokers ’ rose above the floor of a long-vanished ocean , depositing their minerals to form the ore mined millenia later .
3 The Company Patrons have committed their organisations to give the association substantial , planned support over a number of years .
4 They want their governments to do the same , especially on defence .
5 The Hussars drew their sabres to drive the unarmed men back into the river , but French artillery had already closed on the southern bank and , as soon as the Hussars went into the trot , the first roundshot slammed across the water .
6 On balance , I believe that Britain 's membership of the EEC has been of some benefit in terms of the home market which she has gained and will continue to gain as and when her partners honour their commitments to complete the Single Market ; however , as should be clear from the figures quoted in Chapter 5 , the assertion that EEC membership has been good for Britain is open to question .
7 Obviously , no two phenomena are exactly alike , and communicators expect their audiences to identify the respects in which the resemblance holds .
8 In both stories the children used their powers to kill the people who had tortured them and used them .
9 Therefore , eight British and two Belgian centres pooled their resources to establish the British/Belgian Gall Stone Study Group 's ( BBGSG ) post-dissolution trial .
10 CONCERN was expressed at a recent meeting of the Four Marks Recreation Centre that some dog owners are allowing their pets to foul the football pitch .
11 It is sad to see that conservation bodies seem to have halted their attempts to purchase the key Cairngorms estate of Mar Lodge .
12 Stonemason , Oliver Webb is one of the team using their skills to renew the building .
13 They went through , moving slowly , cautiously , side by side , using their lamps to light the way ahead of them .
14 Dogs , for example , and many mammals , rely heavily on their noses for close-range perception using their eyes to scan the wider horizons .
15 The possibility of the directors ' using their votes to ratify the allotments would require more detail , and legal advice should be sought here .
16 Sarah has an encouragingly positive attitude to being a teacher : ‘ I have seen enough children enjoying their studies to repay the effort ’ .
17 And if all that fails some of them have BARED their boobs to take the guys ' eyes off the ball .
18 They asked their countrymen to inform the authorities of their arrival and pass on their request for asylum , the report added .
19 The Provost of Kilmarnock , Mr Mills , and Councillor Stirling were both in attendance as many willing volunteers braved their blisters to complete the course .
20 Imagine them all bringing their mugs to fill the tank .
21 In contrast to this there is no doubt that all three synoptic writers intend their readers to understand the meal as that of the Passover .
22 In addition , the train will be parked on Dduallt siding for lunch to enable their passengers to watch the service train climb Britain 's only spiral .
23 Variety artists from the declining vaudeville theatres found new careers , and cinemas interrupted their programmes to relay the " Amos'n Andy " comic show rather than those their audiences !
24 Others persuade their instructors to do the very minimum necessary and state categorically that they hate stalls .
25 Flax sails , especially , were very porous and sailing ships ‘ in chase ’ would wet their sails to swell the fibres and reduce the porosity .
26 In the main , however , policing continues to be publicly concerned to prevent and detect individual attempts to steal the property of the citizen and it suits the police 's purpose for their community role to be well broadcast , for on those rare occasions when they have expanded their controls to include the activities of the middle classes , they have found themselves on less certain ground .
27 Thus Jellicoe , on his flagship , the dreadnought Iron Duke , and Beatty , on his battle-cruiser Lion , were fully aware of developments and accordingly prepared their courses to intercept the German fleet .
28 There were considerable dangers in the project , but Warner and Wallis would expect their writers to mould the original story-lines into the Hollywood format and any obvious problems would be worked out with the representatives of the various censoring agents who normally read every script prior to production .
29 Meanwhile , officials had instructed their agents to ask the county council to postpone a planned sale of the Duke Street building .
30 When Jesus met his disciples after the resurrection " he opened their minds to understand the scriptures " , by relating what they read in their Bibles to what was happening around them .
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