Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun sg] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 That construction is intended to ensure that the courts do not substitute their view for that of the administrator just because they believe that a different conclusion would be more reasonable .
2 just as , in the previous century , they had modified their style from that of the Christian gentleman into that of the muscular Christian , so now they were completing a transition towards becoming highly competitive academic schools .
3 True , it was but a small village , but the fact was maintained that the railway would have to establish their station at that point .
4 Both sides struggled to find their rhythm during that opening 45 minutes , perhaps a legacy of the fact that they were already through to the quarter-final stages .
5 What I suggest to you is far more officers than the three you gave evidence of perhaps five or even the full six at some stage found their way into that master bedroom .
6 During the last year I have played in several fun competitions most of these were what was called Texas scrambles they are where everybody in the team hits a ball off the tee then where the best shot lands everybody plays their shot from that position this happens until the ball is in the hole the winning team is the team in with the lowest score .
7 They could make their way over that and eventually up the cliff to the eleventh green of the golf-course , to the gate in the garden wall .
8 comment area when we , these go out there would be guidance which would say their staff must make their comment in that space
9 : To repeat the investigations of the OALD and CED with much increased sample size , and to compare their performance with that of the LDOCE .
10 How many banal and clumsy , weak and foolish artists have justified their work as that which saved them from despair .
11 In other words , Barro assumes that rational agents over the period were aware that the rate of growth of the quantity of money was being determined by the process described in equation ( 6.7 ) , and were using their knowledge of that process and the coefficients involved in it to predict future monetary growth .
12 Susan was quite well now ; at least , she had recovered from the effect of nursing their father through that long , heart-breaking illness , but she seemed to have lost all her spirit .
13 Camels , horses and oxen ground the dried earth to powder , and the deposits of sheep and cattle and goats , pigs and poultry added their stench to that of human and vegetable waste .
14 In these circumstances they can not be seen to be sacrificing their independence for that would undermine their claims to being objective in taking decisions at work .
15 Let ρ be a binary operation on a set A. For each ordered triple unc of elements A we can evaluate their product in that order either as unc or
16 This solution depends upon practitioners in health and welfare work defining their position as that of employed labour .
17 The problem is to explain how individuals come to identify their interest with that of a specific group , and why different societies tend to divide into groups along different lines , according to economic class , religion , race , etc .
18 However , now that it is necessary to identify the functions the judges are performing when they sit as visitors in cases which are concerned with the question whether people are fit and proper persons to become or remain barristers , we must for the first time examine their function in that context alone .
19 We expect the mortgage lenders — the responsible ones — to play their part in that .
20 The Government are playing their part to alleviate those difficulties and we expect the mortgage lenders — all the responsible ones — to play their part in that .
21 ‘ The women he assaulted would think no one would believe their word against that of a respected doctor .
22 The results of the interviews allied with a socio-historical examination of the background to the conflict will allow for the examination of ideologies in Northern Ireland , where an ideology is seen as a set of ideas held by a group of people that helps to structure their social world and guide their activity within that social world .
23 In 1985 , they proposed to extend their role beyond that of an annual dining club for officers who had taken a degree through the police college scheme .
24 This diminished their status below that age .
25 In terms of a planning process Anne was talking about , you 'll have to forgive me for being relatively new to Oxfordshire and coming from an area where we had a planning system which was largely the one I was describing , and the planning role that I saw I wanted to develop was very much already mentioned which was actually going round to small groups of people , to the local caring groups on a much more informal basis , and getting their contribution about that and then feeding it back into the system , which you say is there in a sense .
26 Nelson Mandela , the ANC president , intervened on their behalf on humanitarian as well as political grounds , linking their plight to that of the hundreds of ANC political prisoners who remained in prison .
27 They thus have some control over the speed with which the AGV moves through their section , and for those sections where the carrier does not move for the full 20 minutes there is the opportunity to pace their work over that span .
28 Although I listened with interest to the case adduced by the hon. Member for Honiton ( Sir P. Emery ) , the Chairman of the Procedure Committee which has made the recommendations , I still believe that the House would be making a great mistake to accept the motion , for it would add to the automatic nature , as it were , of debates and would play into the hands of the Government of the day , thereby strengthening their position over that of the House .
29 right , well , I 'm , I 'm not worried about the point as to whether it arise out of cross examination , I seldom am because there is always erm can be an opportunity for further cross examination if the other party wants to , so er on the grounds of the objection I , I , I do n't uphold it you can ask that if you like , but er I do want the jury always to keep their eye on that what really is the issue in the case er certainly from the defendants point of view , I know what you say
30 Candidates who began under the traditional system will complete their course under that system and so it will be 1995 before the old system — and the examinations which were a part of it — finally disappear .
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