Example sentences of "[verb] can [adv] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The inconvenience which this causes can normally be reduced only by delaying the binding of serial parts until they can be considered to be no longer ‘ current ’ , or by ensuring that the time which they spend off the shelves ‘ at binding ’ exceeds by as small a margin as possible the time required physically to bind them .
2 The distress this causes can usually be avoided if your vet warns you in advance .
3 The inclusion of penguins among the animals depicted can now be seen as the first indication that prehistorians have had that these birds were present in the Mediterranean during the palaeolithic era , and not proof , as was recently suggested , that the paintings are modern forgeries .
4 A memorandum of satisfaction that the charge has been discharged can also be registered ; it must be signed by both the chargee and the company and if a fraudulently signed memorandum is registered it is submitted that it will not affect the chargee as it would not be a ‘ duly ’ signed memorandum .
5 15 Army Group had given instructions [ KP 153 ] to Eighth Army on 7 May that surrender can only be accepted of those forces in contact with Eighth Army .
6 Precisely when this occurred can seldom be determined on any estates , because there are few series of complete manorial records , but it is safe to say that by the early fifteenth century the change had taken place widely on both lay and ecclesiastical lands , the latter being better documented over different parts of the country .
7 While discussions of what astronomers expect to find can only be expressed in terms of what they already know , those working on IRAS clearly hope that the satellite will make exciting new discoveries .
8 Dissolves can also be edited in but require the use of rather more sophisticated equipment than for simple fades .
9 Another problem designers encounter can also be addressed by HERMS ; this is checking tolerance build-ups in assemblies .
10 The conditions under which signalmen had to work can only be imagined .
11 Weirdly , but by a traceable line of descent through Unionism and Socialism , almost the same accents recur after thirty years : ‘ With the vast imperial resources which are the heritage of this country , the problems of poverty and want can easily be solved by a government empowered by the people to carry out their will .
12 For instance , the verb regret seems to presuppose that its complement is true , and so we could try the following characterization : the sentence John does n't regret cheating can only be used appropriately in contexts where it is known ( or believed ) that John cheated .
13 Blending can also be carried out on shapes where the tool produces the in-between stages .
14 First , the vertical bars can give a somewhat smoother appearance to an otherwise jagged result ; blurring can thus be viewed as an alternative to hanning .
15 Advice on whom to choose can usually be obtained through the local grape-vine of elderly neighbours and old people 's clubs and organisations .
16 For this the sore is gently scraped and any fluid that exudes can then be looked at under the microscope .
17 ‘ The most effective communication strategies and the messages that need to be disseminated can only be decided after taking into account the behaviour patterns of the community , ’ they write .
18 ‘ The most effective communication strategies and the messages that need to be disseminated can only be decided after taking into account the behaviour patterns of the community , ’ they write .
19 Much of what is said can also be applied to a day care setting .
20 Their suitability to the bounded approach to design can best be illustrated by the comparison of their handling of the following assembly breakdown problem most often found during the scheming phase in the design office .
21 If the claim goes through satisfactorily , the supplementary pension or allowance that has been granted can then be drawn weekly at the Post Office .
22 Studies where ecological variation or other contrasts within the range of a study population occurs can also be cited as evidence for the influence of one ecological factor or another .
23 For communication involves the notions of intention and agency , and only those inferences that are openly intended to be conveyed can properly be said to have been communicated .
24 A request too widely drawn can sometimes be acted upon in part , the court striking out the parts which are unacceptable ; but the court will not undertake the task of redrafting the request .
25 Indeed the way that things are going can already be seen in the way that the company is letting its largest customers muck about with the internals of its operation with its Concert network management system .
26 Therefore a certain amount of matching can always take place : contracts to buy can always be matched with contracts to sell .
27 The objectives thus agreed can probably be achieved in more than one way .
28 In this chapter I shall give reasons for rejecting this approach , or if not for rejecting it then for supposing that the questions it raises can never be answered and so that it leads directly to scepticism .
29 Within this context , whether witnesses are lying can usually be decided without difficulty .
30 As in the case of all positional goods , however , those features of the rural environment that are so widely admired can only be retained if access to them by other social groups can somehow be restricted .
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