Example sentences of "[verb] as [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These two photos might seem like Then and Now exercises as on the facing page .
2 Judicial opinion has varied as to the evidential standing and value of video recordings of this nature .
3 Fish and water plants suffer too , and in extreme cases an area of water can be literally suffocated as in the infamous case of Lake Eyrie in North America .
4 It was a terrible disappointment , my heart sank as for the first time I detected a stiffness in Leo 's voice .
5 The colleges were requested , in conjunction with their local education authorities , to submit academic plans in broad programme areas for their advanced courses in 1984–5 and to specify the programme areas which they regarded as of the highest priority .
6 Rarely can St Augustine 's dictum that bands of brigands are but petty kingdoms without justice ( City of God , iv , 4 ) have been so easily comprehended as in the eleventh century .
7 And if the controls were to be positioned as on the 650 , the volumes , not the tones , should really be at the top .
8 Though we have no contemporary report from Aquitaine , tenth- and eleventh-century writers there complement the Italians ' information by assigning a key role to " the men of Aquitaine " on Charles 's side , with two Aquitanian counts named as among the slain .
9 The discursive mode of Amalgamemnon is also plausible realistically in as much as the future and other unreal verb forms are commonly used in news broadcasts to describe scheduled events , to make meteorological and economic forecasts , and to speculate as to the possible consequences of events that have already taken place .
10 Court permission has been granted to sell the property and advice is being sought as to the best way to approach this but the state of the building and the effects of the economic situation do not make for easy decisions .
11 Court permission has been granted to sell the property and advice is being sought as to the best way to approach this but the state of the building and the effects of the economic situation do not make for easy decisions .
12 Programmers began to realize that the effectiveness of their work depended not so much on the particular format they had adopted as on the disciplined care with which their work was planned and executed .
13 The same procedure was adopted as for the immediate recall part of the experiment but words were used from set B. However , before the subject was allowed to recall the words an arbitrary three digit number , provided below the word list for each trial , was given to the subject and the subject asked to repeat the number and count backwards by threes as fast as they could for thirty seconds .
14 New staff , on joining , should be acquainted with fire exit routes and instructed as to the various alternative exits available should smoke , fire or collapse or stocks or racking render normally used routes impossible .
15 Whether two or more mental events count as of the same type in our sense , to repeat , is a matter of whether there is a discriminable difference in content , any such difference , whether or not the events are included under the same more or less general description .
16 The this happened before , it happened in nineteen eighty seven erm on the first alteration when review er when they were a w wide range er of suggestions er made as to the appropriate level of provision .
17 Various calculations can be made as to the continued profitability of the project , the likelihood of further funds and the possibility of selling what has been done so far , but in the end it is still an open-ended situation depending on the calculation of risk .
18 Nor can any statement be made as to the moral implications of any sexual or quasi-sexual act except from standpoints which must themselves be debatable .
19 The ability to influence supplier costs , price and conditions of delivery may be seen as worth the extra managerial , administrative and quality assurance cost incurred in buying from a large number of small suppliers ; * large customers who pursue a deliberate policy of delaying payment for goods or services received .
20 Parliament is seen as at the controlling centre of the state .
21 In some ways I am seen as beyond the pale , but it is the newer MPs who I feel most sorry for .
22 In other words as long as the dose is in liquid form , and can be regulated as to the optimum size and repetition , then no matter how many succussions are used to prepare the original remedy it will not be too much for the patient .
23 AS SCIENCE gets nearer to proving that thermonuclear fusion is scientifically feasible , concern grows as to the best machine to build .
24 But as Poovey points out , men on both sides of the dispute were agreed as to the basic nature of women : the question was whether chloroform should be allowed to tamper with it .
25 In neither case does the category of goods seem likely to affect the reasonableness of any exclusions of liability to be agreed as between the two parties to the relevant contract .
26 As the foreign news media speculated as to the political programme of the EPRDF administration ( and recalled in particular some earlier pro-Stalinist utterances of TPLF guerrilla leaders ) , US State Department officials warned on May 29 that future humanitarian aid to Ethiopia would be conditional on moves towards democratization and respect for human rights .
27 2 Marxists , convinced as to the eventual overthrow of capitalism , argue that corporatism is at best a short-run institutional solution to the deep-seated conflicts between capitalists and workers .
28 75% disappeared from the regulations altogether , whether as a minimum grant-in-aid of teaching costs as in the old regulations or as a maximum as proposed in the Ashby Report : an explanatory memorandum from the Ministry said that the Minister would continue to use this figure as a guide while bearing in mind all the other factors concerned with quality , need , students ' fees and so on .
29 While there are some featherweight kites that will rise in calm air on thermal currents , or elevate when the flyer applies tension on the line by pulling as with the Eastern fighting kites , our concern is that there should be adequate wind strength .
30 The Joker was used as as the top card and the subject discarded this on the ‘ go ’ signal .
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