Example sentences of "[verb] his way [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 All day long she had wondered how he had managed to bamboozle his way into a consultancy , but first the calm , unflappable way he had dealt with Steve and now here , with the devastated relatives , Kathleen had an opportunity to see at first hand the qualities that set him apart as a consultant .
2 I thought it only civil to break the ice with this boy of hitherto laggardly intelligence who had somehow scrambled his way to a temporary plateau of scholastic proximity .
3 I could hear him bawling and banging his way through the Nissen hut across the way .
4 I recall my partner panting , puffing and praying his way over a traverse which in no way resembled the route description , to arrive with abject horror at my belay .
5 Willie pushed the blanket to one side , wormed his way to the end of the armchair and slid onto the floor .
6 Then , one by one , with the rope round his body , each man wormed his way over the ladder-bridge to the bank .
7 To return to the T&C ( yet again ) NICK CAVE , mid-blistering set , was joined by a disgustingly fit looking SHANE MACGOWAN , who wove his way through the old Louis Armstrong classic ‘ Wonderful World ’ with tricky Nick .
8 She watched as Callum wove his way through the various clusters of people and found her eyes irresistibly drawn to the corner where Luke stood , surrounded by a large group of his friends .
9 DON CAMERON sifts his way through the ashes of an All Black demise that began well before the loss of the Webb Ellis Cup …
10 If the adventurers can trick him into believing that , for example , his Master is in danger and they are here to help , then Gerd will be very eager to assist them , and he does know his way around the dungeons rather well .
11 By the time that man gets to Riga he will know his way around the town and every detail of his life from the day his father gave him a light-brown teddy-bear , to the movie show he watched last night .
12 Five Hull defenders were left trailing by the youngster 's electrifying pace and change of direction as he scorched his way to the line .
13 He paused only to smooth down his unruly black hair and tuck his vest into his pants before groping his way down the long dark corridor to the kitchen door .
14 After briefly getting lost in the fog , he finally succeeded in groping his way to the headquarters of Liechtenstein 's cavalry .
15 A FAKE doctor tricked his way into a hospital job — and killed an elderly widow through negligence , a court heard yesterday .
16 Police are seeking a conman who tricked his way into the home of a 74-year-old woman in Smith Terrace , Gateshead , and stole £3 , hours after two conmen stole a purse from the home of an 83-year-old woman also in Smith Terrace .
17 In any case , Allison , who discovered the joys of off-licence products and credit card abuse before Norman Lamont was knee high to the Mace , has spilled most of the gravy that has come his way in a life that has brought a different kind of riches .
18 It 's been a popular strategy ever since The Rolling Stones played the small marquee at the 1963 National Jazz Festival in Richmond — the event that subsequently mutated into Reading — and provoked scenes of hysteria as hundreds of excited youths abandoned the main arena and jostled to catch a whiff of this liberating new air , leaving a bewildered Acker Bilk tootling his way into the footnotes of history .
19 She could glance back and see him , bobbing his way through a sea of heads .
20 Thus the examiner must look at the bottom of the page as well as the top in order to find his way to the new question .
21 But Llewellyn , as resourceful as his ancestors , gave his pursuers the slip and managed to find his way to the port of New Orleans where he boarded a ship bound for Ireland .
22 It was not difficult for Lewis to find his way to the Kemps ' home in Cherwell Lodge , the ground-floor flat on the extreme right of the three-storey building , since it was the only window in the whole street , let alone the block of flats , wherein electric light still blazed at a quarter to one that morning .
23 She had only to sit back with perfect composure — something at which she was adept — and wait for him to find his way through the necessary preliminaries to the real business of this meeting .
24 My Lords erm I would only hope that I would be able to do something to my Noble Friend in trying to persuade him that it is n't all that bad erm My Lords I do agree with him though when you I , I think that I 'd be first of all w were to tell him that er not that he would n't be surprised that I thought that his amendment was n't actually necessary , but I do understand his concern , I mean he tries to find his way through the legislation .
25 The concepts which it assumes as self-evident , until persistent failure to solve a problem calls attention to them , appear to an outsider as strange metaphorical structures to be examined and re-examined as he learns to find his way around the conceptual scheme .
26 Mr Pearse first arrived at Poultry on a Friday afternoon and struggled to find his way around the quiet corridors and closed doors .
27 With Pilger out of the way , Sutton began to find his way around the organization on his own .
28 While Charlie quickly mastered the art of mapreading it was Tommy who took only a day to find his way round a rifle .
29 Gregoire Nohon , an Ivorian research assistant who had learnt how to find his way in the forest alongside Christophe , kindly agreed to help .
30 It was in this way that ‘ Helmut Wolski ’ found his way to the British , and through them to Britain and , once in London where jobs were scarce , to a job through an army friend at London Zoo , his family , his past , his very name all gone .
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