Example sentences of "[verb] his [noun] to the " in BNC.

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1 The concept 's importance in theoretical terms is that the epic poet catches himself dreaming , and tries to communicate his dream to the rest of the group , through a mythic poem , or a ritual drama .
2 In Holt the Court of Appeal held that para. ( a ) required the debtor to communicate his decision to the creditor and required that the legal consequence was the extinguishment of the debt .
3 On the final lap it was Robert who beat his brother to the Metropole corner , after the 180mph descent from Coleraine .
4 Denying his guilt to the last , he said he did n't bear his wife any ill will .
5 Articles 85 and 86 of Table A ( prescribed pursuant to the Companies Act 1985 ) provide that so long as a director has disclosed his interest to the company , he may be a party to or interested in any transaction , and shall not by reason of his office be accountable to the company for any benefit he receives from such a transaction .
6 Maradona 's punch helped his side to the World Cup .
7 ‘ I will do whatever is necessary to preserve the value of the pound , ’ Mr Smith said , reaffirming his commitment to the European Exchange Rate Mechanism .
8 The clerk , realising from Mirsal 's uniform that I belong to the sacred official class , merely bows his head to the storm , pays up and looks pleasant .
9 Thiercelin jerked his head to the right .
10 He jerked his chin to the side ; then seeming to stretch himself inches upwards , he thrust out his chin and marched from the room .
11 Having risen from Ukrainian coal mines through the party ranks as a tough and brutal Stalinist , once he achieved personal power he wasted no time in opening his mind to the ways of the rest of the world .
12 An enterprising sheep farmer is opening his gates to the public during the lambing season .
13 She would explain the nature of her interest , so awakening in him a wish to know more about what goes on outside Masailand and also opening his eyes to the fact that the white folk see the Masai as childlike .
14 Meanwhile Gundovald , a supposed son of Chlothar , who had been excluded from the succession in 561 , took advantage of the situation to revive his claim to the crown , which he had already asserted with Byzantine support in 582 .
15 But Mr Major felt that the man who brought down Mrs Thatcher had earned his passage to the department of his choice .
16 Mr Kenneth Clarke has earned his promotion to the Home Office , and has the combination of brains and toughness to undertake the huge task of reforming the police .
17 For a while Wordsworth retained his loyalty to the Girondin leaders of France , though this meant that he was in English eyes a ‘ Jacobin' , that is , a revolutionary extremist who had actually visited the infected country twice .
18 He knew he was dying and retained his dignity to the end ; it came on 13 March 1967 , and the cricketing world , quite simply , was devastated .
19 What a tragedy they had to scar so many glorious days in a dramatic series with such outrageous incidents as fast bowler Aqib Javed confronting umpire Roy Palmer , or Rashid Latif hurling his cap to the ground in disgust at Headingley .
20 Willie pushed the blanket to one side , wormed his way to the end of the armchair and slid onto the floor .
21 The early tackles inclined towards brutality , however , were largely perpetrated by Liverpool , with Paul Stewart announcing his return to the side with a crunching tackle on Watts .
22 Athelstan described his journey to the Tower and Sir Ralph Whitton 's death .
23 A spokesman for Gorbachev described his reaction to the new movement as " positive " .
24 Even that great opponent of the industrial system of the nineteenth century Thomas Carlyle ( 1795–1881 ) failed to relate his criticisms to the Christian doctrine that he had abandoned as a young man .
25 Seth had been defeated by Horus but took legal action to establish his claim to the throne of Osiris by bringing his case before the nine gods of Heliopolis .
26 Book Seven enhances the impression of a century of civil war , but again allowance must be made for the fact that this one book covers scarcely more than twelve months of 584/5 , and that it is concerned largely with the attempt by the " pretender " Gundovald to establish his claim to the Frankish throne .
27 In 1299 Boniface VIII ordered Edward to abandon war in Scotland since that kingdom was a papal fief , and he invited Edward to send proctors to Rome to establish his right to the Scottish crown .
28 He saw one of his jobs as keeping his ear to the ground on Blanche 's behalf , trying to catch discontent while it was no more than a distant rumble and to spot which detectives needed encouragement and which a gentle kick up the backside .
29 Five Hull defenders were left trailing by the youngster 's electrifying pace and change of direction as he scorched his way to the line .
30 3 The attacker now has his back to the defender .
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