Example sentences of "[verb] from one [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There was quite a wide space between stone and stone , but Jenny felt sure that she could jump from one to the other quite easily .
2 Yet , although the number of officials for every 2,000 head of population rose from one in the 1750s to about four in the 1850s , the proportion was still incomparably lower than that prevailing in the West .
3 You 'd be stupid to go across the stepping stones if you did n't have the power to jump from one to the other , pretty big , but the , so are the distances between them and at that time of the year the river was pretty high too and r rather boisterous , so it would n't be very pleasant if you had fallen in , but you 've got to have that but you 've also got to have stamina as you said , but it would n't have been any fun if you 'd got halfway across and your stamina had run out , then fire brigade called out , the fire brigade or something .
4 Experts continue to disagree about how to extrapolate from one to the other , although it is generally accepted that even the smallest dose carries a health risk .
5 In a classroom it can give you the students ' view of the teacher , it can give you the teacher 's view of the students or it can be an observer which sits at the side of the class and looks from one to the other .
6 Howard looks from one to the other in astonishment .
7 This can be expressed in Hume 's terms of the tendency of the mind to pass from one to the other , but one must be careful how one interprets such a tendency .
8 At her side , Candy 's bright blue eyes darted from one to the other as she watched the meeting with unabashed interest .
9 If buckets are used to fill the pool , they can be counted and discussions about empty and full will develop as water is transferred from one to the other .
10 Taking in every inch of their bodies , she said , looking from one to the other , she said , in her famously well-timed drawl , That 's just how I want you .
11 She came in and bolted the door , then stood with her back to it , looking from one to the other .
12 I 've never seen anything like it before , ’ and she was looking from one to the other , wondering which one it was meant to fit , when Miss Rene startled her by saying , ‘ Well , get your coat and things off and try it on . ’
13 And , looking from one to the other , she now said , ‘ Goodnight , fellows , and a happy Christmas . ’
14 When at last they came to the lower end of Spring Street , Agnes stopped and , looking from one to the other , she said , ‘ This is where I live ; I 'll be all right now .
15 Peg O'Malley commanded sharply , looking from one to the other .
16 Looking from one to the other of them .
17 Yet looking from one to the other , he now realised where the similarity lay : it was in the eyes .
18 She hesitated , looking from one to the other of their expectant faces , and there was quite a distinct change in her voice as she repeated in Italian :
19 She was watching them over the rim of the glass , looking from one to the other of their faces , trying to follow their too rapid talk .
20 Ben , too , joined in , and Millie , looking from one to the other , smiled widely at them .
21 PEG : ( looking from one to the other .
22 ‘ System ? ’ demanded Howard , looking from one to the other , not understanding any of this .
23 Ward was looking from one to the other .
24 Looking from one to the other , she asked slowly , ‘ You followed me from the ferry ? ’
25 Looking from one to the other , not exactly suspicious , but certainly puzzled , he glanced at the package .
26 Peggy 's voice sounded quiet , even gentle as , looking from one to the other , she said , ‘ I 've been an idiot , have n't I ?
27 ‘ But if he 'd known of this outrage , ’ said Philip , looking from one to the other of them with searching eyes , ‘ the boy would have told me in Isambard 's presence .
28 Several doors ran off it , two now open as prisoners were being moved from one to the other .
29 Suppose you have a scene in which two characters are holding a conversation , and you are covering it in separate close-ups which cut from one to the other : these shots should both be taken from camera positions which are on the same side of an imaginary line connecting the two characters together .
30 Cut from one to the other and you create opportunities for humour or drama .
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