Example sentences of "[verb] from the [adv] first " in BNC.

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1 No amount of reflection on first principles will stop a Christian from assuming that the morality demanded of women , which in Islam he judges to be imposed by the physically stronger sex in its own interests , is in his own religion true to the equality of the sexes before God ; not until women become conscious of and vocal about their own interests does he appreciate that the difference from Islam has from the very first been only one of degree .
2 Nothing he had been told from the very first moment he had arrived in Perugia amounted to any more than salacious gossip , casual slanders , ill-informed rumours of no real value which elsewhere would never have reached his ears .
3 To prevent the reactions from occurring in the first place , filtered blood has to be used from the very first transfusion and 99% of white cells have to be removed .
4 The contempt , the disdain he 's shown from the very first moment .
5 So out of the 16,000 Pathfinders I personally recruited from the very first day of my appointment to the Pathfinder Force , to the last day of the war , I am not aware of one occasion on which a member of aircrew , whatever his category , was dealt with under the terms of the AMO .
6 ‘ She was fighting from the very first minute and she is still fighting . ’
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