Example sentences of "[verb] it [prep] [noun] this " in BNC.

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1 I said I 've had it at work this morning .
2 We bought this privately in America last year and will be exhibiting it in London this summer and in Australia in the autumn .
3 So we looked at two areas where we 've erm we were both very weak , erm , and I do n't we could even , we could n't even see it with regards this .
4 I borrowed it off Maggie this morning cos she said you were coming up .
5 Those who would wish to take it in parts please show those against taking it in parts this evening we will vote on it as one amendment in that case .
6 Can you get it on video this one ?
7 I gave it to Christopher this morning cos I knew I 'd forget tonight .
8 Top designers said it with flowers this spring : a floral jungle by Bill Blass ( above ) ; black and floral trousers by Krizia ( above left ) ; a splash of colour from Chanel ( far left ) and Ungaro 's tropical sarong-style fantasy ( left ) .
9 Well the farmers for the last couple of years have been arguing that they want this green rate devalued er to try and bring it line more with the market rate er and what this would do would er increase our guaranteed prices in this country and in fact on Friday this happened er the green rate was devalued by 60%. er and so I 've done a few calculations er and for the farmers that are listening and er may understand this er if he was selling his grain in November 89 he would be getting about £99 a ton , whilst if he sells it in November this year he 'll be getting £110 a ton .
10 He has been on the losing side in Cup semi-finals on five occasions , and if he finally makes it to Wembley this year he may look back on this bitter struggle as the crucial victory along the way .
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