Example sentences of "[verb] to them the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Suggest to them the fact that when they had finished this one they would know absolutely bloody everything that could be possibly known , now and for always , about Wimbledon .
2 In fact one of the problems of a stratificational analysis is that it classifies women in a somewhat arbitrary manner , sometimes assigning to them the class of their husbands or fathers and sometimes determining their class by their own occupations .
3 Okay you 've talked to them the phone right and you 're gon na go and sign them up .
4 This department will have responsibilities for the Office of Arts & Libraries ( OAL ) , in particular for the Arts Council and the national museums , adding to them the Home Office responsibilities for the broadcasting services ' legislative framework and the BBC in particular .
5 Both men are reporting what seem to them the facts of the case , and they are the more confident about doing so because no Englishman has arisen to rebut their arguments .
6 ‘ I got round them by selling to them the fact that I was doing what they wanted me to do which was to get out into the business world and make contacts .
7 Noting that " Europe has entered a new , promising era " , the declaration stated that " as a consequence this Alliance must and will adapt " and must " reach out to the countries of the East which were our adversaries in the Cold War and extend to them the hand of friendship " .
8 Add to them the cohorts of civil servants patiently drafting and redrafting sackfuls of international Green verbiage , and whole planeloads of whingeing journalists and television crews , and the whole shebang becomes so big as to overwhelm the senses of the vast majority of the aboriginal citizens of Planet Earth .
9 Thus the implementation of the Maastricht Treaty is seen by Northern and Central Europeans as an earnest of the will and capacity of the West Europeans to extend to them the benefits of European Union .
10 If children are allowed and encouraged to work in areas which interest them , this ought to be a useful means of demonstrating to them the usefulness of developing their reading skills .
11 Slave owners who became Christians revolutionised their treatment of slaves , giving to them the justice and the fair treatment that hitherto had been unknown in the ancient world .
12 The Copenhagen school had made a special point of emphasising that one ought never to think of quantum mechanical systems without also annexing to them the array of classical measuring instruments with which it was proposed to make the observations .
13 To frame this more familiar fare , she presented songs by Enesco and Marx , bringing to them the skill of a dramatic singer without ever overstepping the bounds of intimate communion required by the genre .
14 My senior staff have already addressed a meeting of Citizens Advice representatives in Edinburgh and explained to them the Council Tax legislation .
15 Thereupon the applicants , who had been unable to plead justification as defence in the libel action , applied to the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) , as the court to whom the implied undertaking had been given by B. , to vary the undertaking to permit B. , who was anxious to co-operate , to disclose to them the authority 's documents in the interests of justice to enable them to plead justification with full particularity and in the expectation that admissible evidence would become available to support the plea at trial of the action .
16 What is more , the Spirit who has become resident in the followers of Jesus mediates to them the victory over the world which Jesus had ( 4:4 ) as they trust him for the power to overcome temptation ( 5:3,4 ) .
17 I know members will be sorry to hear that Mr Robert and Mr Ken are both unwell and will wish me to convey to them the council 's best wishes for a speedy recovery .
18 they go on about Shakespeare and Chauce Chaucer but if you spoke to them the way Chaucer used to speak they would n't understand a word you were saying .
19 When the Secretary of State sees the Republican representatives again , will he put to them the revulsion that was felt by the Unionist community and by a large section of the Roman Catholic community in Northern Ireland when Mr. Haughey attempted to foist into the Anglo-Irish Conference a new Minister for Defence ?
20 Consequently , all visitors entering the Exhibition Room on Survey days were approached by a member of the Library 's staff who outlined to them the object of the exercise and invited them to complete a questionnaire .
21 They met General Morandi , a soldier of fortune who had fought at Missolonghi , and who indignantly denied to them the calumny put about by the British aristocracy that Byron had deteriorated morally while in Greece : ‘ He was magnificent , ’ the General told them .
22 Kuusinen quoted to them the obligations imposed by the Whitsun Conference decision : We propose that the following questions be raised for discussion in all the organisations of the ILP. ( l ) What concrete mass actions on the basis of the united front of the C.P.G.B. and the ILP can and must be carried out in the near future with the aim of a successful struggle for a 10% wage increase , against the Means Test , and other similar partial demands advanced by the C.P.G.B. and the ILP ? ( 2 ) Is it desirable for the ILP to join the Communist International as a Party sympathising with Communism with the right to a consultative vote … ?
23 He had mentioned to them the possibility of a deal and even the likelihood of profit , and proposed that one of the laundress 's sons come with a ladder and pick the tree clean this autumn , before the mulberries matured to that soft ripeness that threatened any laundry hanging near .
24 He does his readers the service of conveying to them the life and living of a family they might never encounter , or have had occasion to consider .
25 It is the Spirit who inspires Peter to withstand the rulers of Israel ( 4:8ff ) and proclaim to them the Messiahship of Jesus .
26 The tRNA molecules with the anticodon CCG also have attached to them the amino acid glycine .
27 The apostle who brings the Acts to an end by preaching unhindered in the capital of the pagan world is also shown as arguing all day with the leaders of the Jews ‘ declaring to them the kingdom of God ’ and ‘ persuading them about Jesus ’ by appeal to the law and the prophets ( 28:16–31 ) .
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