Example sentences of "[verb] to [noun sg] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A business executive who is faced with dismissal usually has to content himself with seeking financial compensation in the form of damages for breach of contract , unfair dismissal compensation or state redundancy pay .
2 So should we be surprised that the architect has to content himself with high fees most of the time as his reward when an ungrateful society refuses to thank him ?
3 Now he has to content himself with the fact that the only replica of a Captain Cook ship he has been involved in was one built for the new shopping centre in Middlesbrough eight years ago .
4 So , in order to get his views across , such a candidate has to content himself with stuffing letter boxes , distributing tracts , and holding poorly attended public meetings in bare , underheated school assembly halls .
5 He came from the far north and at the Highland games he used to array himself in kilt and sporran and throw cabers around like matchsticks .
6 HOWARD CLARK used to gorge himself on golf titles .
7 Hers is a vulnerable yet crucial role as negotiator between difference : typically she is one who refuses to outcast herself from the black community and family , because aware of its value and importance , yet by virtue of that same tact subjected within them to sexual discrimination : ‘ we straddle the fence that says we can not be uplifters of the race and lesbians at the same time ’ ( ‘ Talking about It ’ , 54 ) .
8 The moment teachers feel safe enough to tell the truth ( which is often anywhere but in their own staffrooms ) , they rush to unburden themselves of feelings and symptoms such as those which I have described , and are surprised and relieved that other people are feeling the same way .
9 In which case they would have to content themselves with making a demonstration , burning the castleton and village and driving off Dacre 's and his people 's cattle and horses .
10 The Italians welcomed the young prodigy , and an opera commission was quickly arranged , although Leopold was pessimistic about their chances of making any money : ‘ We shall have to content ourselves with admiration and applause instead . ’
11 If the recession lasts much longer , and with present cuts in Government funding , the board will not have enough money to invest to tide itself over this period in which young people face such difficulties .
12 This time she was able to trap the playful retort before it made it from her mind to her mouth , managing to content herself with an indifferent lift of the shoulders .
13 He preferred life at court to the hardships of campaigning ; he liked to deck himself in strings of precious stones and belts studded with priceless gems ; he wore clothes of the finest silk and from each ear lobe he hung a single pearl of remarkable size .
14 By the time the traffic ceased , they were far too late to carry out a proper raid on the airfield and had to content themselves with shooting up transport along the road .
15 Given the pressures of external demands , the size of the diocese , and the problems of travelling to over 300 parishes , most bishops and their officers had to content themselves with regular exhortations and punishing the worst , or least skilful , clerical offenders .
16 Mr Devi Lal , for example , who had been lobbying hard for the home ministry to add to his deputy premiership , had to content himself with the agriculture ministry .
17 The intrepid manager had to content himself with numbering his reserve teams .
18 Lord Elphinstone had to content himself with the duke 's assurance that he ‘ would mention to those who mannage my affairs my being honoured with a letter from your Lordship & recommend unanimity upon this occasion … which I hope will be an inducement to the commissioners of supply to settle without varience ’ .
19 He had to content himself with the fact that it was mostly a one-way affair .
20 With John Cocks cursing the fact that he had not brought his tripod and frustrated by the lack of lighting equipment we had to content ourselves with lunch sans photography .
21 Emilia showed little wish to speak , Louisa had to content herself with reading aloud beside the bed , though the books she suggested were soon rejected in favour of such verses as those of Felicia Hemans and Anna Letitia Barbauld — works that were not at all to her own taste .
22 In the world of education and in the year of the Woods Hole conference , Britain had to content itself with the Crowther Report , which , even at the time of its publication and even more plainly in retrospect , reads more like an epitaph than a prophecy .
23 Now he 's on a rehabilitation programme , trying to ween himself off drugs .
24 Sometimes he would have liked to unburden himself to somebody , but his officers and men had their own problems .
25 It would have been even better had a Word for Windows style drag and drop edit facility been included with that , but , for the moment , you have to content yourself with good ol' cut and paste , I 'm afraid .
26 GEC is refurbishing 10 clean rooms at a cost of £7m , as the company bids to catapult itself to the forefront of GaAs wafer technology alongside US and Japanese rivals .
27 During his stay , he set to work himself on the principle divide et impera .
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