Example sentences of "[verb] have be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Latent inhibition will show context-specificity when the only training given has been non-reinforced presentations of the stimulus in a given context .
2 The ford in the river was blown up to make navigation easier and from time to time there appear to have been spectacular rock falls , one of which carried away the last vestiges of St Vincent 's Chapel which gave its name to St Vincent 's Rocks .
3 While some dragons may have been comets , or indeed auroras , the majority appear to have been meteoric fireballs .
4 There are reported to have been minor clashes with security forces on Saturday evening , but no notable casualties .
5 There was reported to have been intense lobbying of UN delegates by US and other officials in the days preceding the vote , which was originally scheduled for March 30 , but was postponed to avoid offending Islamic sensibilities on the feast-day of Laila al-Qadr .
6 Unfortunately , most of what has been written has been complete nonsense , so far from the truth that it 's not even funny .
7 Originally the Wabi and Public Windows Interface announcement were to be made separately , with Public Windows Interface slated for May 19 , and there were said to have been long discussions over the wisdom of fusing the two together .
8 The sons of Aelfwald , still in sanctuary in York minster , were persuaded in 791 to leave the church by what are said to have been false promises and then killed , presumably drowned , by Aethelred in Wonwaldremere .
9 The £90 invested in baking ingredients was soon seen to have been good sterdship , for the unfailing supply of beautiful baking was a marvel .
10 After the war , most of Montparnasse would claim to have been intimate friends of Modigliani .
11 Accounts by the first space-travelling visitors to the planet say that they found even the rocks and plants coming after them , but that has since been shown to have been normal travelogue exaggeration .
12 Police said cause had not been established but there were not thought to have been suspicious circumstances .
13 No-one should underestimate the enormous gain in freedom for millions who had been trapped in the oppression of communist dictatorships , but the speed with which the liberation of eastern Europe occurred was so stunning that it raised what we can now see to have been unrealistic expectations of the transition to peace , democracy , and prosperity .
14 In 1938 there seem to have been tentative discussions with the Colonial Office over a sell-out to the British government .
15 Most of the clergy and the peasants were not subjected to the hazards of battle , and the higher clergy seem to have been good risks for the actuary .
16 It has been plausibly argued that this , perhaps too male-centred explanation , begs the question of what led to the increasing mental complexity necessary for hominid evolution in the first place , particularly when the older ancestors seem to have been tropical forest primary consumers .
17 This First Book of Dowland 's raises the problem of which was the original form ; some were undoubtedly composed as part-songs , others ( for instance , ‘ Sleep , wayward thoughts ’ and ‘ Awake , sweet love ’ ) probably originated as solos to the lute , while others again ( ‘ If my complaints ' , ‘ Can she excuse ’ , ‘ Now , oh now I needs must part ’ ) seem to have been instrumental dances to which words were later added .
18 There also seem to have been considerable baseline imbalances in the trial reported by Kinmond and colleagues , judged on the few characteristics described in table I , and so the same concerns must apply .
19 Their careers seem to have been mythological expressions of the need to overcome the matriarchs who founded agriculture and to whom , in time , the heroes and demi-gods were to be heirs .
20 On July 14 , when a PRI victory had already been announced by Michoacán 's State Electoral Commission , thousands of PRD supporters in the state capital , Morelia , protested against what they claimed had been widespread fraud .
21 Five opposition parties lodged a joint request on Feb. 10 for the postponement of the legislative elections planned for March 6 ; this , they said , would enable the revision of electoral lists and constituency boundaries to prevent a recurrence of what they claimed had been massive fraud in the January presidential elections [ see pp. 38709-10 ] .
22 What I have just offered have been partial readings of the Haec Vir pamphlet and The Roaring Girl , partial not in the sense ( at least this is not what I 'm confessing ) of being distortions of the texts , but rather readings that focus upon textual elements which can be correlated with oppositional cultural elements within Jacobean society , and consequently possible audience positions and reading responses .
23 Most patients affected have been young women with connective tissue disorders who receive aspirin regularly in high dosage .
24 When , late that night , they parted for the last time , Baldwin 's words were a little rehearsed , but there nonetheless appears to have been genuine emotion on both sides .
25 One aspect of the landscape revolution which this entailed appears to have been major drainage works , which drastically modified the stream between the two villages , to create what is now known as the Maxey Cut .
26 The timing question aside , there appears to have been basic agreement between Mrs Thatcher and Mr Lawson on the need to defend sterling .
27 Its diet appears to have been soft fruit , which appeared to contradict the suggestion that thick enamel was adaptive for hard fruit diets ; but the more recent conclusion that the microwear of the much earlier thick-enamelled hominoid from Pasalar is indicative of a hard-fruit diet suggests that there was a dietary shift after the development of thick enamel , with dietary change independent of morphology .
28 Everybody , including shop-keepers , bar owners and all the members of your class at the University — they do n't have to have been special friends , just acquaintances — teachers , too .
29 With the last three murders it seems to have been pure chance that a suitable victim did , in fact , come along . ’
30 On one hand there seems to have been strong appreciation of fine results achievable under dual control of violin and keyboard , as in Italian opera .
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