Example sentences of "[verb] have [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Adding two hours to the period within which night visits may be claimed has caused a clear rise in claims , and this accounts for most , but not all , of the increase observed since the 1990 contract .
2 Sir John enjoyed the Thatcher party ; Sir Denys has suffered a Major hangover .
3 In his only digression from prepared remarks , Francisco Rodriguez said : ‘ The government today has had to control a new attempt at subversion frustrated by the will of our people and of our armed forces to wage struggle . ’
4 Many visitors to Luanda leave with the image of a dead city , where large glass windows in state-run shops reveal mostly empty shelves , where sewage too often runs through the streets — there 's a cholera epidemic now — where the state has had to hire a private firm which imported Filipino lorry drivers to clean up a decade 's worth of rubbish .
5 With the exceptions of Teddy Taylor and John Biffen , of whom more in a moment , each one , because of the strength of his views , has had to eschew a ministerial career , although each would without doubt have made a distinguished holder of office .
6 As a young director working with all-male crews , Karen has had to confront a high level of overt sexism , something the grant-aided sector does n't necessarily prepare you for .
7 However , there has been little in the way of tangible action in the post-war period to promote cycling in Britain , so that the rider has had to endure a steady worsening of the travel environment as traffic has become heavier , journeys more circuitous , accidents more pervasive and the relative attractiveness of the bike lowered by comparison with the seductive advantages of the car .
8 See our problem page maybe one of our NCT mums has had to handle a similar problem .
9 Certainly not from the club scene , where an average gate is rarely more than a few hundred and even a big club like Hawick has had to launch a special initiative to arrest their declining membership .
10 Officers went to Doncaster to interview a lorry driver after he reported having seen a young girl whose appearance was similar to Moira 's , in the company of two other lorry drivers the day after the Lanarkshire schoolgirl disappeared .
11 All reported having had a wonderful day and causing much comment and amusement wherever they went .
12 Agencies then had to develop procedures for the implementation of PPB by the end of December 1965 By 1 April 1966 agencies were expected to have developed a comprehensive , multi-year programme and financial plan .
13 You certainly appear to have reached a major turning point in your career and must now think about severing unprofitable ties .
14 During their travels they appear to have developed a black variety which became extremely popular , perhaps because its natural nocturnal camouflage assisted it to become a more efficient mouser and ratter .
15 Some other forces throughout the region , if they even thought about it , appear to have turned a blind eye .
16 So what a monumental shock to find that with ‘ Ultra Violet ’ they appear to have undergone a massive personality switch and , hey presto !
17 The interchange of routes between operators complicates analysis , but operators in South Wales also appear to have made a net loss of some 12 per cent of mileage since 1939 .
18 I appear to have strayed a long way from our original topic .
19 The Rhineland potters who now supplied Britain with samian , but on a much reduced scale , appear to have had a limited figure repertoire .
20 ‘ You two appear to have had a good time , ’ Maggie said with a smile .
21 Moreover , the preliminary decisions of the Commission as to the admissibility of two cases submitted by British tax-protesters appear to have dealt a fatal blow to any remaining hopes that the European Court of Human Rights might be used as an additional forum in which to exert pressure for a change in the existing law and policy regarding tax diversion .
22 Many also claimed to have seen a banana-shaped object in the sky , and a characteristic illuminated sign . ’
23 Whereas a woman who dies before her husband is considered to have made a good death and her body is decked in a married woman 's finery , one who survives her husband is somehow always blamed for his death and must never put on finery again as a penance .
24 No patient in this group could be considered to have had a successful and uneventful procedure .
25 A group of People 's Liberation Army ( PLA ) officers was reported to have formed a secret group backing the reinstatement of the former party chief , Zhao Ziyang .
26 The landlady is reported to have seen a red stain on the ceiling of one room.She called the police , and they found the body .
27 In March 1989 Vietnam was reported to have repaid a token $5,000,000 in outstanding debts to the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , in an attempt to secure fresh international aid .
28 The industry-backed " Competitiveness Council " , chaired by US Vice-President Dan Quayle , was reported to have played a key role in influencing Administration policy .
29 Maung Hla , a Myanma military commander in charge of border operations , was reported to have told a Thai delegation in Myawadi on Jan. 3 , 1990 , that the Myanma government was determined to " wipe out " insurgents operating along the Thai-Myanma border .
30 He was also reported to have told a white worker not to resign , as management was ‘ only after the blacks ’ .
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