Example sentences of "[verb] have [verb] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , ‘ The Age to Come has overlapped with This Age ’ ( Ladd 1974:42 ) which results in intermingling and close combat .
2 My local authority has had to cope with that problem for many years , as I did when I was housing chairman of my local authority .
3 Whatever one 's opinion , he has missed remarkably little considering he has had to cope with such an endless barrage of fast bowling .
4 Apart from having to fight to save her home , she has had to contend with vitriolic press coverage .
5 Waites has had to contend with all these signs in one year with no chance to adapt slowly to their effects .
6 This year Gloucestershire 's fire service has had to deal with 16 per cent more arsons at farms than last year … and farm fires by their very nature are n't the easiest to deal with .
7 The only heating in the Waaf huts was from the temperamental iron stove in the centre of each hut , and anyone who has had to struggle with one of these objects will appreciate what I 'm talking about .
8 The implication was that the efforts to reduce the use of remands in custody , which appear to have met with some success in the last two years after the spectacular rise of the custodial remand population during the 1980s , were having unintended and unwanted effects on the crime rate .
9 These did not result from the Pleistocene glaciation ( in fact none of the ice ages of the past appear to have coincided with mass extinctions ) , but all occurred after the final retreat of the ice .
10 Although industrialists were reported to have reacted with guarded optimism to the plan , many independent economists were agreed that the revenue increases would not cover all projected government spending , and that the government would thus be compelled to delay payments , including those on foreign debt service .
11 The passage of Wellington 's soldiers through the Basque country , when they were deemed to have behaved with greater decency and correctness than their French opponents , was in some degree the origin of the considerable fashion for this part of France among the English throughout the nineteenth century .
12 Well , Tod looks to have missed with both his shots .
13 This stage of the palaver seemed to have ended with four soldiers dead , the capital under curfew and the general back in his palace .
14 He had learned one vital piece of information where Riddle went on the night of his disappearance — and he had no wish to persecute these youngsters , who seemed to have acted with good intentions .
15 But , in my judgment , it would operate against no others ; it would not operate against a person who is not shown to have taken with such notice of the circumstances under which the deed was executed .
16 Bill Wyman is alleged to have slept with 1,000 women .
17 The systems have got to deliver data reliably otherwise they 're not of any value at all and yet they 're going to have to deal with unpredictable events such as network failure , software failures , hardware failures , user failures or whatever .
18 So we 're going to have to proceed with some of this expenditure , probably twice the budgeted b budgeted erm monies .
19 He was going to have to move with extreme caution .
20 But are n't you going to have to tour with this new album ?
21 Such low relief is found in Greek art too ; but Greek sculptors seem to have begun with free-standing statues , and when they came to relief their approach was affected by the conventions of that art .
22 Right from environmentalism 's origins as a force in marketing , the companies that make detergents have had to cope with green-minded consumers .
23 Above all , place what transpired last month into its right perspective , for a lunar eclipse in Aquarius on August 6th appears to have coincided with some kind of an emotional conflict or watershed and you still need to face up to certain harsh realities .
24 This seems to have emerged with greatest sharpness in an area marked simultaneously by the most advanced commercial wealth in Europe and the absence of an established State : the seventeen provinces of the Low Countries , the possessions of the Habsburg dynasty .
25 On her arrival in France , Isabella seems to have associated with some of the exiles who had fled there after Boroughbridge .
26 ‘ Blenkinsop is being extremely co-operative , and while I admit that his conversion into an upright citizen seems to have come with indecent haste , nevertheless , he was oddly compelling . ’
27 Generally he seems to have dealt with those who came to him with requests by saying that he would do something for them , and then repeating this promise whenever he had to , postponing action for as long as possible .
28 Development is very rapid and within twenty days each egg contains a tiny froglet which pierces the egg membrane with a minute spike on the tip of its snout and so emerges having dispensed with external water altogether .
29 If ever yow 've parted with that , I warn yer , I 'll kill yer ! ’
30 At the same time she was certain that Maggie did not want to have to cope with that .
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