Example sentences of "[verb] have [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The human spirit is trundled on to reassure them that they are still party to the heroic , which cynical people might think has departed the suburbs some time ago .
2 Dwyer outlined the bare bones of his playing philosophy : ‘ We are no sure that the manner in which the laws developed has reflected the way the game was meant to be played ’ , he said .
3 Every professional body that had been consulted has rejected the programme and the proposals attaching to it .
4 My Lord it may help to say that if your Lordship does this reading my Lord , I do n't intend to take your Lordship through the documents any more myself in opening , because I think once your Lordship has has seen the extent of it , I 'm going to call Mr to give evidence and go to through the documentation that way , once .
5 Subsequent emollient correspondence has has healed the rift and Brady remains within Charlton 's embrace , his vast experience still on tap and offered enthusiastically .
6 But it has has dropped the commitment to increase NHS spending by 3 per cent a year in real terms on which it fought the 1987 general election .
7 Whether it is to the mite or its faeces that the victim becomes sensitive , once itching has started the discomfort gets progressively worse .
8 Nothing would have induced me to part now except an overwhelming sense that the course of action which has been pursued has put the country- and not merely the country , but throughout the world , the principles for which you and I have always stood throughout our political lives-in the greatest peril that has ever overtaken them .
9 Note that by adhering to the subject-before-predicate principle , the translator of the above extract has had to ignore the principle of end-weight .
10 But Sunsoft is not alone in its problems : Next Computer has had to delay the Intel version of its NextStep environment for pretty much the same reason .
11 The group that has used the old Cooking Centre has had to vacate the premises but so far nothing has happened .
12 The Chairman of the Select Committee on Energy apologised to me earlier for the fact that he has had to leave the Chamber because he is due to make a speech on clean coal technology elsewhere in London .
13 Swindon is one of the eighties boom towns which has had to shoulder the burden of recession .
14 As an example of what he means , Althusser refers to Foucault 's , remarkable studies ' , Madness and Civilization and The Birth of the Clinic , two instances in which the historian has had to construct the concept of their history .
15 A formula can be developed which may be complicated but under which the purchase price is paid in instalments and the precise amount of the instalments will decrease depending on the extent to which the purchaser has had to satisfy the debts to creditors on behalf of the vendor .
16 As the profession 's representative body , the Law Society has had to face the question of how to achieve its strategic aims for the healthy development of the profession over the coming decade , in the absence for most of the year of the promised green shoots of economic recovery .
17 Hopkinton , Massachusetts-based EMC Corp reported first quarter net profit more than twice what they were in the year-ago period — figures , page five — and says that demand for the Symmetrix 5500 series disk arrays has been greater than the company expected , so that it has had to increase the build plan for the remainder of the year .
18 Each science in its infancy has had to establish the assumptions and procedures by which it could claim to extend our knowledge of nature .
19 For one team 's desperate desire to establish its worth in the scrums , Toks has had to play the price of a life confined to a wheelchair , a need for 24-hour-a-day attendants , and an almost total loss of his business and social aspirations .
20 TV MAGICIAN Wayne Dobson has had to buy the family Christmas presents all over again — because thieves made the first lot vanish .
21 The most obvious reason is that the author only arrived on the scene at the end of the process , and has had to reconstruct the design and development phases from inevitably superficial interviews .
22 Renishaw also experienced increased pressure on margins because it has not cut its prices , but has had to absorb the costs of inflation , for example in pay rises , much of which is paid out in foreign currency .
23 Encore Computer Corp , Fort Lauderdale , Florida has persuaded the Gould Inc subsidiary of Nikko Kyodo Co Inc — which wanted to be shot of Encore altogether when it bought Gould , but has had to keep the company in the fold and bankroll it to have a chance of realising any value from it — to increase its revolving credit facility by $20m ; the pact also extends the maturity dates of Encore 's $50m term loan agreement to April 2 1995 , and the $35m increased revolving credit pact to July 3 1994 .
24 The medievalist has had to accept the limitations , as well as the advantages , of having as his subject matter a culture with only a small literary élite .
25 French cosmetics group L'Oreal — with even less excuse for getting involved with television — bought a film library but has now written-off £3m owed by La Cinq and has had to cut the celluloid 's value by £48m .
26 Adams , president of Sinn Féin , has had to suffer the ignominy of the wholesale rejection of his party in the republic , as well as the embarrassment of IRA killings — such as of eight Protestant workers at Teebane Cross in January — that he feels unable to condone ( but , also , unable to condemn ) .
27 She asked : ‘ Will you seek to have published the report on these matters prepared by the DTI which has recently been the subject of much press speculation . ’
28 The ‘ development risks ’ defence is available where the defendant shows ‘ that the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the relevant time was not such that a producer of products of the same description as the product in question might be expected to have discovered the defect if it had existed in his products while they were under his control . ’
29 ( c ) Where the defendant can show that : " the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the relevant time was not such that a producer of products of the same description as the product in question might be expected to have discovered the defect if it had existed in his products while they were under his control " ( s. 4(1) ( e ) ) .
30 Section 4(1) ( e ) states as follows : ( e ) that the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the relevant time was not such that a producer of products of the same description as the product in question might be expected to have discovered the defect if it had existed in his products while they were under his control …
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