Example sentences of "[verb] in the more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It does , however , provide a useful introductory focus on Hilton 's breadth of appeal , and also on his understanding of the terms " active " and " contemplative " as they appear in the more sophisticated books of The Scale .
2 Most commercially exploited minerals in Britain tend to be in the older geological strata located in the more remote western and upland regions , while sand and gravel occur in coastal or valley sites or in glacial deposits , particularly in the south and east of England .
3 Even if there are relatively good overall stocks of rural council houses , they may be concentrated mainly into a few larger settlements , and persons who need to work in the more remote or smaller settlements can be severely disadvantaged .
4 This remained steady at 25,000 km. in 1920 , but actually dropped in the more prosperous years after 1922 to 23,100 in 1924 .
5 A policy decision was taken not to bid in the standard commercial power electronics market , but to concentrate in the more specialised nuclear and petrochemical sector where the company 's strengths lie .
6 It was a dramatic and impractical outfit of a kind I only expected to see on the male models who posed in the more outlandish fashion magazines that our rich clients brought aboard Wavebreaker , yet Jesse Isambard Sweetman managed to wear the elaborate style with an elegant insouciance .
7 Five main reactions to the proposal surfaced in the more detailed responses :
8 Naturally , companies trading in the more risky markets , for which premiums have been increased somewhat to reflect the risks , are less than enthusiastic .
9 As I told you I think I have made observations which lead me to conclude that there are not only high but fertile lands on the verge of our intertropical Regions , and arguing from the Character of the Ranges here I should not be surprised to find in the more distant parts of the Continent , a Country vying with America in richness of Natural products , and I have very little doubts but that the discoveries to be made would amply repay the government any outlay it might make .
10 In a lead adviser role or public deal , consideration should be given to the statement of indemnity which might even be included in the more standard engagement letter where a specific contract is not applicable .
11 Those living in the more remote area like Albany , where I did my first workshop , are truly isolated .
12 People who live , work , play and die in the more remote rural places like Baldersdale are distanced from the rest of us , and not just in the geographic sense .
13 Equation ( 8.29 ) can be written in the more familiar form , .
14 After some rearrangement , this may be written in the more convenient form .
15 This work is described as a personal celebration of the mountains and landscapes of Nepal , but it turns out to be a pictorial account of six treks and climbs in the more popular areas of the country .
16 As investment from the West began to be linked to the introduction of democracy and civil rights , the country began to experiment with " political pluralism " , a move accepted in the more Westernized republics of Slovenia and Croatia , but opposed in Serbia and by the Army .
17 Although he was certainly closely ‘ in ’ with the artistic and literary circle so often described in John Harden 's diaries he was not entirely accepted in the more intimate social sense .
18 Partly due to their systematic exclusion , but also as a matter of choice , feminist artists increasingly preferred to display their work in settings they considered more appropriate to their desire to participate in the more public/political debates of feminism and a recognition of art as a communicative medium .
19 However , mixing does result in the more random dispersal of energy .
20 As they could no longer live in trees and needed the plants with which they had co-evolved in the more seasonal habitats in the beginnings of agriculture , at least vegeculture , those who did not cultivate had to trade .
21 In a similar way , exponents of anything fitting the nebulous description New Acoustic Roots ( and its variants ) should keep a keen eye on Folk Roots magazine ( monthly ) for potential sympathizers ; jazz practitioners should get the studious Wire ( monthly ) and those operating in the more popular black fields of soul , funk , rock or rap should follow the perennial Echoes ( weekly , formerly Black Echoes ) or Blues and Soul ( biweekly ) .
22 The interface is stabilized by some 400 2 of total buried surface area , much less than the 880 2 buried in the more intimate association of CD4(D1D2) .
23 Much more sophisticated models will be needed in the more complex situations met in practice .
24 Vegeculture in the Neotropics as well as in southeast Asia , was replaced by seed culture , which is more suited to territorial expansion but originates in the more seasonal subtropics .
25 There are no trees or shrubs on Fair Isle for obvious reasons — what few survive the gales and salt spray are soon nibbled down to the ground by sheep , but the ground is well cultivated in the more sheltered parts .
26 Tactics which Branson had developed in negotiating the fine points of recording contracts were now amplified in the more complex arena of aircraft negotiation .
27 Perhaps your interests lie in the more traditional university subjects such as history , chemistry , mathematics , psychology , economics or literature .
28 The Maritime school acknowledge that the greatest Soviet threat is to Western Europe , but they believe that the most likely threats to British and Western interests lie in the more unstable areas of the world beyond NATO 's boundaries .
29 Both players missed the 17 fairway to the right with Wilson lying in the more favourable position it looked like he at last might take the lead but using all his experience McCarroll succeeded on the green for a half .
30 Briefly , this trade consisted of large factory ships or latterly , freezer trawlers , lying in the more sheltered anchorages around the coasts of the UK where they would load fresh herring and mackerel from British fishing vessels directly arrived from their fishing grounds .
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