Example sentences of "[verb] in the [adj] world " in BNC.

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1 Many Voices — One World and the movement towards a new information order have tried to concretise and apply the right to communicate in the real world , both on the national and international levels .
2 " In view of the unpopularity the nuclear industry has earned in the developed world , it is now looking for markets in the developing world , " Greenpeace said .
3 The panel design will make it possible to track the responses of ordinary members to these internal party changes , and to the changes occurring in the external world .
4 AT THIS moment what was happening in the outside world , for a cultural climate is never separate from events ?
5 The job of perceptual systems is to provide us with representations of what is happening in the outside world , representations based on information gathered from receptors based in different parts of the body that are tuned to specific classes of physical events .
6 ‘ Where it 's weird , though , is the difficulty of getting a real fix on what 's happening in the outside world .
7 Now is anything else happening in the sporting world tonight Mickey ?
8 The day-to-day life of an RAF station went on as usual , no matter what was happening in the big world outside .
9 But perhaps the best example of Picks System 's idiosyncratic development style is happening in the MD-DOS world , where the company is beta-testing multi-user Pick for MD-DOS — to be released later this year .
10 If we want to know what is happening to the church we need to understand what is happening in the secular world at large .
11 they are likely to meet in the outside world ;
12 Trapped in the revolving world of afternoon TV , this is a man who would have quite happily recorded the LP from the comfort of his bed had they been able to fit it in the studio .
13 The list includes good madeira , port and sherry and some fine German wines , but does not dabble in the New World .
14 Outstanding silverware was fabricated in the Classical world .
15 Yet through it all a strong sense of caring pervades and a feeling of friendship which is not easy to find in the Western World .
16 The emphasis on LAN Manager as its primary networking facility ignores the state of networking in the real world .
17 The table also shows that , in the fifteen years from 1960–75 , there was a tendency for female labour force participation to increase in the industrialised world and decline elsewhere , except Oceania .
18 In the 1980s , the world wood requirement was some 3000 million m 3 , of which , following earlier figures , some 47% was used as fuel ( 80% of it in the developing world ) , 43% for building and other ‘ solid wood ’ purposes ( two-thirds of this in the developed world ) and 10% for paper ( some seven-eighths of this used in the developed world ) .
19 and for Mill , representative democracy was the only way democracy could survive in the modern world .
20 We make love like no one ever has in the whole world — the whole history of the world — we are better than Antony and Cleopatra , ’ his voice began to rise with his spirits , ‘ Romeo and Juliet , Paolo and Francesca , Beatrice and Dante , ’ he was lost for words , ‘ better than … better than …
21 We could purchase our own houses while they lived in police colonies , denied the privilege of house purchase until they had fifteen years ' service ; this classified them as ‘ peasants , serfs , living in the feudal world of tithed cottages ’ .
22 In the rest of the region , Israel Radio 's coverage allows those living in the Arab world to hear about events that are censored by their own governments .
23 For in that they are living in the modern world , and in so far ( one must say ) as they are good persons seeking to do what is right , conservatives must see much of the critique of past patriarchal relationships to be justified .
24 ‘ But we 're living in the modern world ! ’
25 Many have good sight , but there are a few forms which have lost their eyes , some of them living in the lightless world of caves .
26 The events and circumstances surrounding such plots are difficult to control and organise because the characters are supposedly living in the real world .
27 It produces the archetypal image of the Christian , afraid of life , always trying to climb back into the Garden of Eden , by creating a world of fantasy if necessary to inhabit at the expense of living in the real world .
28 Supposedly grown-up people that believe human beings can not practise safe sex and contraception , or that it is right to deny a 14-year-old girl who has been raped an abortion because it would be morally wrong in the eyes of God , are not living in the real world .
29 He was living in the real world beyond my contorting imagination .
30 If the Prime Minister thinks that all that adds up to recovery , he is not living in the real world .
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