Example sentences of "[verb] in [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 France and Italy have been cited as examples of countries in which the maintenance of group and individual integrity is stressed in both the general culture and in political life .
2 This experiment hypothesises that this is indeed the case and that also males are more lateralised in both the left and right visual fields , and accordingly the right and left cerebral hemispheres respectively , than women .
3 This occurred in both the proximal and distal colon .
4 Curiously , the reason why some species of dinosaur became very large is seldom addressed in either the popular or academic literature , and yet as an anatomical fact it can hardly be side-stepped .
5 It is possible to infer from these passages and others in The State of the Prisons that Howard believed in both the good man theory , and in control by the courts .
6 Sinatra stormed off of the set of Carousel on the first day of shooting because it was to be shot in both the new CinemaScope 55 format and the standard ‘ flat ’ ratio , meaning everything had to be shot twice .
7 Well Christopher came in here the other day and he says that cake is
8 Cos a I I 've got the contracts right in the Body Shop , we got Karen she used to work in Superdrug , and she came in there the other day and I 'm saying , och , do you know Michelle ?
9 Ambrose Evans-Pritchard , writing in both the Daily Telegraph and the Sunday Telegraph , says that he was ‘ stunned ’ to learn of Rigoberta Menchu 's success .
10 To allow for the possibility that the acceleration change arises from a change in load torque ( as distinct from a change in Switching angle ) , the trial disturbances in switching angle must be made in both the positive and negative senses .
11 For example , the title of the story , ‘ Sarrasine ’ , is , according to Barthes , operating in both the hermeneutic and semiotic codes .
12 The image of a lush and fecund garden is one that is deeply rooted in both the religious and cultural heritage of the Persian people .
13 It is also reflected in both the nativistic and the interactionist accounts of language development ( see Chapter 5 ) .
14 It is suitable for those already employed in both the public and private sectors , as well as students on full time courses .
15 Float ( i.e. the lapse of time between the end of a work element and the following dependent work element ) or a programmed period of unproductive time within a work element has to be recognized in both the tender and subsequent programmes .
16 It is misplaced in both the revised and the original Purcell Society edition of the score .
17 Claims between £3000 and £5000 may be heard in either the High Court or the appropriate local county court .
18 The Tachykinins are a family of biologically active neuropeptides that are widely but selectively distributed in both the central and the peripheral nervous systems , where they may function as neurotransmitters ( 1 ) .
19 Your net intercepts them when they return from feeding and you must therefore ensure that the nets are set in exactly the right place — without the rabbits being aware of your presence .
20 Pyramids are found in both the Middle East and the Americas , perhaps because men reflected that mountains were closer to the heavens , where the gods were said to live , so they built the pyramids as their own mountains .
21 Meanwhile the curia maintained the general register for all the other business of the pontificate and hands of the same scribes are found in both the main register and the RNI .
22 The substantive law on insider dealing can be found in both the common law and more recently in statute .
23 They may also be duplicated by physical models , are not destroyed by bleaching and all the component wavelengths of the incident light are to be found in either the reflected , scattered or transmitted fractions .
24 Oh really , I only went in there the other day , well the other week about a fortnight ago
25 When I went in there the other week , you walk in and think is n't she nice .
26 Broca 's area was strongly activated in both the phonological short-term memory task and the rhyming task , while left BA 40 was activated by the phonological short-term memory task only .
27 Items denoted by Arabic numbers in the standard Companies Act formats may be rearranged and adapted if the nature of the business warrants it , and headings for which there are nil balances in both the current and prior year may be omitted .
28 Items indicated by Arabic numbers may be rearranged and adapted if the nature of the business warrants it , and headings for which there are nil balances in both the current and prior year should be omitted .
29 There is a determination to defend the family as an essential part of the social organisation for social care , viewed in both the private and the public sphere .
30 In order to reduce delay , cost and complexity in the civil justice system , the Civil Justice Review recommended that the county court should be retained as a court separate from the High Court , but that the upper limit of county court jurisdiction should be abolished , that all civil proceedings , with a few exceptions , should be commenced by a document called a writ , which would be issued in either the High Court or a county court , and that there should be an improved system of transfer of cases between county court and High Court .
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