Example sentences of "[verb] in [adj] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The 1980 Epsom Derby was won in fast time by the horse Henbit .
2 These plans were duly put into effect , and the new building was ready for opening in good time for the celebrations .
3 They moved nothing except their eyes , but they moved in perfect time to the footsteps , marking the position , flicking backwards and forwards as the human crossed the room above .
4 Although it was not clear when the equipment would arrive at North Tees , managers hoped it would be installed in good time for Christmas .
5 Marxism came in good time to the Socialist Workers ' party after study , after reading the books from Europe , from international contacts , from the travels of our comrades , from the contact with the Communist International .
6 To allow staff appointments to be made in good time for work to be undertaken for Council Tax it is necessary to go to the Finance Committee on 16 September 1992 with a staff structure , some of which is still subject to review , for example the Control Sections .
7 You could draw it like that you could say that this is the the war which cuts in this time of year line shifts up ,
8 Tune in next time for homelessness , adultery , violence , arson , fraud and racism .
9 Why do n't you look in some time during term , Harry ? ’
10 I remember the books which I read in that time with a great love .
11 Even after having done the week 's shopping en route , I was back at Shellerton House as promised in good time for Tremayne to drive his Volvo to Newbury races .
12 During the first thirty-six years of the century the pope had taxed the English church to the tune of almost £450,000 , of which some £360,000 was earmarked for the king , a sum more than three times the amount produced in that time by direct royal taxation of the clergy .
13 ( ceased to be a member of the Institute on 14 July 1992 for failing to pay the Disciplinary Committee fine and costs in due time under the terms of Bye-law 41 . )
14 Typical were two canvases bought , in a grime-covered state , at Sotheby 's New York : a ‘ Roman School , circa 1650 ’ of ‘ Hercules wrestling with the Nemean Lion ’ , for which Croce had paid £31,000 in 1988 , was bought in this time at $17,000 ( £10,625 ; est. $30,000–50,000 ) , and a ‘ Sacrifice of Isaac ’ , bought as ‘ Roman circa 1620 ’ for $66,000 , failed at $48,000 ( est. $60,000–80,000 ) .
15 Todd did appear in the Raiders side who beat Balmain in the Sydney Grand Final , but was replaced in extra time by Peter Jackson , who went on to score the winning try .
16 With the help of a fear-stricken band , his Fender 7-string Strat , an 8-string Gibson ‘ piano guitar ’ and his ‘ heavy metal mandolin' ( an instrument with which , he claims , ‘ even a moron can reach the sublime ’ ) , Gregory has assembled a Gothic extravaganza full of fretboard pyrotechnics and in-jokes such as Clapton 's Hideaway solo played in real time at double speed .
17 Erm the talks erm Gillian Thornton is gon na speak to us on the 23rd of February just to remind you and I 've actually prepared some notes on play writing which we can fit in some time during this sort of session .
18 This , as described earlier has helped the Governors recognise with clarity the need to invest in non-contact time for teachers and appropriate training for all staff when change is envisaged , if the proposed development is to be absorbed fully into the ethos and curriculum of the school .
19 Keith Nunn , manager , Seismic Quality , XFI , describes it as ‘ similar in many respects ’ to XFI 's first 3D survey in block 6 which was completed in record-breaking time in May ( see Technology centre spread ) .
20 Of course , the various families of homoclinic orbits to the origin can not cross ( at any point in parameter space the two trajectories which tend in backward time to the origin are unique and can be part of at most one homoclinic orbit ) and the dotted lines representing homoclinic orbits to the points also can not cross ( for similar reasons ) .
21 Rain had obviously driven in some time during the night and the dried splashes were clearly visible on the tiled floor .
22 In Champagne , the Chardonnay is a strong growing variety which buds early , making it susceptible to spring frosts , but which also ripens in good time for so northerly a wine .
23 There is no evidence of when the committal order was drawn up , although Mrs. Butler 's solicitors were assured that this would happen in sufficient time for them to receive copies by fax later that afternoon .
24 If the receiver of the gift can not respond in due time with a ‘ counter-gift ’ ( counter gifts can not be given too soon after gifts , because this would imply a logic of calculation which would deplete the symbolic force of the exchange ) then the giver is in a position of creditor and the receiver in one of debtor .
25 We fly to Copenhagen on Monday on the 11.45 SAS flight from Glasgow , then catch the late afternoon flight to Bornholm to arrive in good time for dinner at Svaneke , our base for six days .
26 Alan had asked me to arrive in good time with the Registration of Death certificate and , equally important apparently , the cheque , without which the cremation could not take place .
27 So liaise in good time with either your own dispatch department or an outside mail order company .
28 These rather simple expectations were not fulfilled however : the worst housed were not necessarily relocated and the new estates were associated in due time with their own problems of overcrowding , poverty and undernourishment .
29 Inside IBM 's ‘ be kind to the user ’ testbed Putting in real time with real people is now the rage , says Paul Bray
30 ‘ I can clean in the house , look after the chickens , and put in some time with Dolly in the dairy . ’
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