Example sentences of "[verb] in [art] [adj -er] part " in BNC.

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1 Barn-drying is a safe method of ensuring high-quality hay , and is to be recommended in the wetter parts of the country .
2 Our next step will be to show how the same two-part chords of Example 114 can be given much more tension through harsh dissonances added in a lower part : The lower part is always a semitone or a major 7th from an upper part .
3 Such systems , which are relatively cheap , have already been installed in the remoter parts of Scotland , Wales and East Anglia .
4 JUDY MOWATT , one third of Marley 's backing singers , The I-Threes , is not rich , asking a hundred US dollars for an interview , but she lives in the better part of Kingston .
5 The derivation of the birds from a reptilian ( possibly dinosaur ) ancestor is certain , and because the earliest fossil bird , Archaeopteryx , is Jurassic in age , it is usually assumed that the split from the reptiles occurred in the earlier part of the period .
6 Its humour derives from the juxtaposition of the two diametrically opposite narrative styles Nash adeptly presented in the earlier parts of the book .
7 The Symphony No 29 was written in the later part of 1773 .
8 Following township rumours that the Mandelas had been living apart for some weeks , the Sowetan newspaper said Mrs Mandela continued to live in the mansion she had built in a better part of Soweto but Mr Mandela had moved into a well-guarded home in Johannesburg 's affluent northern suburbs .
9 Most had obtained that experience by operating in the older parts of the Nottinghamshire field further east , where the workforce was relatively quiescent , as illustrated for Hucknall ( D. Gilbert , 1988 ) .
10 Many of the canvases produced in the later part of 1906 constitute what might be called a ‘ crisis ’ point in Picasso 's art in that he was becoming increasingly obsessed with creating figures which were heavily volumetric , indeed often almost grotesquely bulky , but which simultaneously adhered or clung to the picture plane : the effect they produce could best be described by imagining a series of pneumatic models pushed up against heavy panes of glass and pumped up with air , so that they get larger and larger whilst simultaneously flattening up against the surface in front of them .
11 A good spiritual director would have been able to interpret this experience and have led him , step by step , past these dangerous swings of mood to a disciplined equanimity which was rooted in a deeper part of the self and which was not so dependent upon exterior circumstance .
12 We leave that to the specialists , and indeed I think that the reason why we 're particularly concerned with disasters which happen in the poorer parts of the world , the developing countries , is because they seem to have less of a voice to be able to complain about what is done to them .
13 And as , as we said before , erm , many of the , erm people who lived in the poorer parts of erm the country , whether in urban or rural En erm England did n't really know about basic nutrition and and health I mean you just ate what was available but you did n't know why and so the government started this campaign to introduce you know knowledge about diet and how important it was .
14 The third , Vulcanian phase , also probably reflects this de-gassing process , with gas escaping from the magma below accumulating in the higher parts of the volcano , and then blasting its way to the surface .
15 6.8 The observations above on the behaviour of these adjectives may appear to suggest a surprising degree of linguistic sophistication on the part of ordinary language users ; it may , though , seem less surprising now that we have recognized in the earlier part of this chapter the sense-qualifiers , since these distinctively qualify the property of a noun without constituting a qualification of the corresponding entity .
16 Alpine meadows and scrub in the higher parts of the Caucasus .
17 As it spread , its uses diversified so fast as to make any introduction to twelfth-century sources on the scale attempted in the earlier parts of the book ( pp. 17–26 , 124–32 ) impossible .
18 These glands are concentrated in the hairier parts of our bodies and the hairs play a vital part in smell production .
19 If we have recently lost sleep ( after a week of trying to sleep in the daytime , for example ) or have been awake for an unusually long time , then the amount of deep sleep is increased but it is still concentrated in the earlier part of sleep .
20 Further note that in bar 3 viola part , the flat sign is placed before the C when it first appears in the lower part as well as at its first appearance in the upper part .
21 He pointed out that although they would automatically have carried out such precautions , water would always be found in the deeper parts of the mine .
22 One botfly known to parasitise humans is Dermatobia hominis , which is found in the warmer parts of the New World .
23 Often the councillors are the same people who have gone to live in the pleasanter parts of rural England for peace and quiet , and they tend to take a dim view if local farmers apply for licences to run money-earning , but intrusive , leisure pursuits such as motor bike scrambling , model aeroplane clubs , clay pigeon shooting , go-carting and jet skiing .
24 Small burrowing rodents , known as mole-rats , live in the drier parts of Africa .
25 First , the discussion of policy making in the later part of the last chapter suggested that many new initiatives stem from the recognition that older policies are failing to meet desired goals .
26 Now to the house itself , one of the early observers gives us a clue when mentioning the house he writes of the fine Elizabethan chimneys still standing , these I believe are those which collapsed in 1973 after having previously been lowered owing to their dangerous condition , on the collapse of these some fine timber framing was discovered in the older parts of the house showing considerable blackening , and Mrs Lingham informed me that vestiges of a gallery were discovered , and it was suggested that this part of the building may have been of the hall type .
27 It seems that the Rub' al Khali desert of south-eastern Arabia occupies a structural offshoot of the Persian Gulf in which marine sands accumulated in the later parts of the Tertiary period and have since been reworked by the wind .
28 That loss will lie calculated according to the principles outlined in the earlier parts of this chapter .
29 It consists of the bass-parts for each choir , placed one above the other , with bar-lines but no text or figures to indicate how he was to fill out the bass , only an occasional flat or sharp above the notes ; when in the Masses a movement begins in a higher part only , this is shown in the organ part ; but when the higher voices sing without the bass , the organ part is marked ‘ tacet ’ or ‘ non est hic ’ .
30 In fact , however , it is not economic to provide such generality , and the situation described in the earlier part of this chapter is typical .
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