Example sentences of "[verb] in [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To answer this lies in both the yarn and the individual pattern .
2 So you think that it would be inappropriate to say look this is a particular place set aside , a lot of people will use this and they do n't want to come in here the majority do n't want to come in and breathe cigarette smoke , so do n't smoke .
3 Only two appeared in more than one newspaper — each appearing in both the Sun and the Star .
4 Ever since his time as a medical student , he had been drawn towards women who were higher up the career ladder , revelling in both the challenge and the reflected glory when he succeeded .
5 Both are electron-density maps ; the bound ligand was not included in either the refinement or map calculation .
6 Side effects occurred in both the cyclosporin and placebo groups but were more common in patients receiving cyclosporin ( Table III ) .
7 The bond region between the composite restorative material and dentine may be 50–300 μm thick , with gradients of intimately mixed components that have originated in either the substrate or the bonding agent , extending throughout the bond .
8 This chapter outlines the way in which the schooling systems were shaped from the early nineteenth century by a combination of church and state politics , developing in both the North and South as expressions of catholic nationalism and protestant loyalism .
9 It is written in both the dialect and the vocabulary of the different people : Finn + Tom , Jim , the townspeople etc .
10 Cunliffe criticises the new legislation on the ground that a man could be liable under Category 2 where he engaged in consensual sexual intercourse if this results in either the rupture of a woman 's hymen , the transmission of a sexual disease or her pregnancy .
11 1 The questioning of the place and function of writing in both the primary and secondary curricula needs to continue .
12 This method has to be handled with a great deal of care since the danger is that it will result in exactly the kind of antagonism which the salesperson is wishing to avoid .
13 It prospered and expanded under the principalship of Sir William Dawson ; by the time he had completed 38 years as Principal ( 1855–1893 ) the student body had risen from 100 to over 1000 , and Dawson had had the satisfaction of seeing great strides made in both the building programme and the various curricula — not least in his own scientific fields .
14 He served in both the Cabinet and the CCP politburo and was strongly tipped to become Premier following the death of Mao Zedong in 1976 .
15 These discrepancies existed in both the primary and the secondary sectors , but were especially marked in the primary .
16 This finding is in line with a study from Sweden that also found a significant increase in incidence during the shorter period 1970–84 , resulting in twice the incidence in women as in men .
17 The recommendations finally made were of a highly practical nature , but they established a tradition of careful selection which was easily glamorized in both the public and the official mind .
18 So , for example , an expression like Joan is singing well could be understood in either the temporariness or the limited duration sense .
19 Potential reservoirs can be recognised in both the platform and basin plain carbonates .
20 Look at it this way : Track Two is now doing just what it was set up to do in just the situation they foresaw : a weak British government getting too close to Moscow .
21 Few Americans are revered in quite the way that sports stars are .
22 The struggles involving civil society are not contained within it , but are implicated in both the sphere of production and the state .
23 Despite pressure from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party , Mr Kaifu managed to keep his first two cabinets free of politicians who had been implicated in either the Recruit scandal or the earlier Lockheed bribery case .
24 In short , you have your own luxurious retreat situated in perhaps the world 's most exclusive location for a commendably affordable price .
25 He fought in both the Boer and First World Wars .
26 You know , you 've got your washing machine goes in here the cooker there your fridge here .
27 Additionally dancing , yoga , keep-fit-to-music and relaxation classes are readily available through most local authorities as well as being offered by the many specialist bodies listed in both the Health and Leisure Activities chapters .
28 Disputes of between £25 000 and £50 000 may be heard in either the County Court or the High Court .
29 Even before he became king , Edward sent out some ninety-four letters to religious superiors asking for benefices , pensions and corrodies for his clerks , and in the course of his reign over four hundred and fifty requests for corrodies , addressed to over two hundred houses , have been counted in just the Calendar of Close Rolls ; between 1308 and 1327 Worcester priory received no fewer than fifty-one royal requests on behalf of royal servants .
30 Information that arrives in either market can be used to predict subsequent volatility rises in both the spot and future markets .
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