Example sentences of "[verb] a good [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The costs of a new issue provide a good guide to the advantages of the Stock Exchange and to whether or not it is an efficient method of raising funds for firms in terms of costs .
2 Penguin publish a number of books which provide a good background to first-year courses , including Pen , J. Modern Economics ; Mishan , E. The Costs of Economic Growth ; Stewart , M. Keynes and After .
3 ‘ And send a good man to Dornberg to find out what 's happening in front of him . ’
4 As before , he was concerned to hear that we had enjoyed a good flight to his native city , had found a good hotel and that we were managing to survive the bitter cold , the snow and the ice of a Canadian winter .
5 To some extent , the potential harshness of the strict liability rule is mitigated by the fact that , if a person acts in what he takes to be self-defence when he is confronted by another whom he does not realise to be a constable , he has a good defence to the charge , because he is not guilty of an assault .
6 If the defendant can establish any of the defences mentioned in section 24(1) he has a good defence to any charge under the Trade Descriptions Acts .
7 Louis Armstrong has a good claim to being the most influential popular singer of the century .
8 ‘ Just needs a good talking to . ’
9 The main types of breach are obviously failure to supply goods or services of the nature or quality promised under the contract , late delivery , and failure to pass a good title to items sold under the contract .
10 The first of these was the landowning class , the nobility and gentry ; the leaders of the community , whose duty it was to set a good example to the rest , to be ‘ the helpers and releuers of poore tenantes , and also be the maynteynors and supporters of all poore folkes ’ .
11 If members allowances are a hundred and eighty thousand this year which is somewhere around there , Mr may correct me but I think I 'm not too far out , we 've already upped those this year to a hundred and eighty- nine , so next year there 'll be a hundred and seventy-one and the thirteen thousand cost of this will reduce it to a hundred and fifty-eight I actually do n't think that is possible , we ca n't afford it within the terms of of the present set up , unless someone 's going to dramatically reduce the length and the number of meetings in this council , which I think is highly unlikely , I think we 've got to set a good example to our employees , I think that this would give completely the wrong message .
12 I was deter , you see I , I have to set a good example to Neil .
13 book , commandos would be — I believe — the first to accept that those who received awards usually owed a good deal to the support of their fellows , in spirit if not by arms .
14 Funerals in Wales meant a large feast after the burial and knowing Emily , she could present a good face to the world in spite of her misfortunes .
15 For about four centuries the rulers of England had been trying to conquer and rule France , Scotland , and Ireland , but they had just lost their last foothold in France at Calais , their position in Ireland was as insecure as it had ever been , and the Scottish problem had taken an altogether new turn because Mary the Queen of Scotland could present a good claim to the English throne .
16 On the Welshpool-Llanfair line a good start to the season was followed by a quiet July , but good progress on this steeply graded line is apparent with the Raven Square developments particularly attractive .
17 As a statutory assignee the legal right to the money in the account passes to him , he is entitled to all legal remedies to recover the money and he can give a good discharge to the bank without the concurrence of the assignor .
18 Even then , since the purchaser is a person who has ‘ bought or agreed to buy ’ the goods , he can give a good title to a third party .
19 ‘ ( a ) destroys the goods , or disposes of the goods in a way giving a good title to the entire property in the goods or otherwise does anything equivalent to the destruction of the other 's interest in the goods , or ( b ) purports to dispose of the goods in a way which would give a good title to the entire property in the goods if he was acting with the authority of all co-owners of the goods . ’
20 views that hold a good life to be readily achievable only in certain well-defined types of social structure , or only in a society that works concertedly for the realization of certain higher human capacities and the suppression of baser ones , or only given certain types of economic relations among men .
21 This seemed a good plan to them all .
22 Robson , who watched Rocastle last Saturday , said : ‘ He has made a good start to the season .
23 Although he is cautious about predicting how rapidly or how strongly profits will grow in 1993 , he believes the UK business has made a good start to the year , with revenues from both consulting and recruitment ahead of budget .
24 Group managing director said that the overall Divisional result was good taking into account the difficult market conditions and added , ‘ We have made a good start to 1993 , although margins were under pressure in the animal feed business due to higher raw material prices ’ .
25 Once herbs are in place , and you have ensured a good start to their lives with properly prepared soil and the right planting technique , there is little more to do .
26 It was held that Maidstone market was a market overt because it was established by charter in 1747 and that the innocent purchaser obtained a good title to the car because it was customary at Maidstone market for goods to be sold by private treaty after the auction .
27 Mind you , even he had to admit that this ‘ new ’ guitar was really not so new — more an instrument slotted between several others , not exactly copying any of them , but owing a good deal to several .
28 ‘ Does n't sound a good meal to me .
29 The latter may provide a good approximation to actual savings behaviour , but in this section we consider for purposes of contrast the rather different approach based on individual life-cycle savings decisions , discussed at some length in Lecture 3 .
30 So , we could have somebody start at twenty pound a month and we know we can make a profit and we can provide a good service to the clients , a good level of cover .
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