Example sentences of "[verb] a good [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It seems clear that epidemics of the bubonic type became increasingly limited to the towns , which provided a better habitat for the plague-carrying black rat .
2 Everyone agreed that the loss of eyesight was a consequence of the animals taking up residence in an environment with no light , but the Lamarckians argued that the inherited effects of disuse provided a better explanation of the process than natural selection .
3 Tony Foreman , a tax partner in Pannell Kerr Forster , said the BES assured tenancy schemes with non-recourse loans provided a good return for top rate taxpayers ; their 60p in the pound net outlay after tax relief was turned into 72p in as little as six months by a loan .
4 Initially , the steel toecaps of industrial boots provided a good way of savaging your opponent .
5 This provided a good defence against swords and arrows , but no protection against a lance thrust or a mace .
6 In the old large hospitals it was sometimes difficult to detect the strong mutual , informal relationships which developed amongst patients and provided a good deal of support , and , unfortunately , often little account was taken of these relationships when patients were moved from the hospitals into the community .
7 Manchester provided a good site for developing a dye industry because it was both at the heart of the Lancashire textile industry and it was close to a developing university .
8 The basic chemical structure common to promethazine and chlorpromazine provided a good basis from which to begin the search for compounds which were better than chlorpromazine , and in the next few years many came into clinical use .
9 Such publications must be treated critically ; Namier provided a good example of the deflation of a quasi-official authoritativeness in his review of the Survey of International Affairs , 1938 published by the authoritative Royal Institute of International Affairs ( Chatham House ) .
10 Education provided a good example of the accommodation feminists had to make in regard to scientific theories of sexual difference and the ambivalence many of them felt about the whole issue .
11 The development was welcomed by exhibitors , who felt that stage adaptations would enable them to attract a better class of customer , but they were n't to know what they were letting themselves in for .
12 Those of you who are involved in deciding whether to apply for a place in further or higher education will already know a good deal about how to read prospectuses without believing everything they say : what they do not say is just as important .
13 We know very little about the world history of such ideas and their dialectical development , but we do know a good deal about how things have gone in the main literate civilizations over the past four thousand years .
14 You will also need a good selection of cloths for cleaning the pictures — pieces of linen work well , as do old T-shirts .
15 They may need a good deal of support because of these conflicts , yet this is rarely available .
16 For example , a pupil who is mastering literacy and numeracy with few difficulties will spend a considerable amount of time in the ordinary classroom , but another may need a good deal of specialised help and be at a stage of going to only one or two lessons daily in the fully integrated situation .
17 Comparisons of species represented in pitfall traps and artificial traps show that the former provide a better sample of small mammals in an area .
18 On the contrary , he maintains that such a study might well lead to the extension of one 's regard for one 's own religion to other religions , and at the same time , provide a better understanding of one 's own faith .
19 In addition to descriptive data , which provides greater clarity on how to differentiate among families experiencing a variety of types of abuse when providing the treatment , the studies also provide a better understanding of how to deliver such services to both the adults and the children who have suffered .
20 The general application of such an assay will probably in itself provide a better understanding of the pathogenesis of AIDS .
21 Moore says that all these activities provide a better climate in which new technologies will grow .
22 Do ‘ problems ’ provide a better focus for learning than ‘ theories ’ ?
23 It is therefore possible that measurements of hepatic venous pressure gradient provide a better estimate of the degree of architectural distortion in acute liver failure than morphometric analysis of liver biopsies .
24 Analysis of oncogenes and tumour suppressor genesmay provide a better guide to tumour behaviour than conventional techniques .
25 ( 4 ) It shall be the task of the all-German legislator to introduce regulations no later than Dec. 31 , 1992 , which ensure better protection of unborn life and provide a better solution in conformity with the constitution of conflict situations faced by pregnant women — notably through legally guaranteed entitlements for women , first and foremost to advice and public support — than is the case in either part of Germany at present .
26 Even if an NHS trust can be demonstrated to be in the interests of patients to reduce waiting lists and provide a better quality of service , they would reject it because they put politics before patients .
27 What 's more , we 'll give families the economic and technical support they need to irrigate land , grow crops , raise livestock and so provide a better future for their children .
28 People felt that suburbs or semi-rural estates provide a better environment in which children could be brought up .
29 Paramo 's Nevada jacket and Prima trousers provide a good way of beating the rain .
30 Alnair and Al Dhanab provide a good case of colour contrast .
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