Example sentences of "[verb] a [noun sg] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If one girl now has more than 24 beads , she has won a hole for each four beads on the other player 's side .
2 I had once won a prize for French poetry composition at school , so I did n't feel too outclassed in this respect .
3 The structure plans then provided a framework for local plans , which were to be more detailed strategies prepared at district level .
4 But equally , it provided a home for some of the darkest forms of distrust of and revulsion from sex and marriage .
5 But though New Cross is n't so good they had to name it twice , it 's still a place worth a song of its own , having once lent its name to New Cross Records , a Charly offshoot that provided a home for some Dillinger and Bob Marley releases .
6 Around it a variety of flower beds and grassy banks provided a backdrop for several undulating footpaths .
7 The New Yorker thought The Graduate merited 26 pages , and it provided a springboard for endless discussions about modern youth .
8 Fishing , which centuries of experience had made into a great food-supplying industry , and which was blessed by the exceptionally rich fishing grounds of the North Sea and the North Atlantic , also employed ships and provided a livelihood for thousands of men .
9 It is on record that the inn provided a depot for raw fleece and wool for the spinners and knitters brought by the hosiers ' servants from Kendal and later the finished work would be collected .
10 The high grey walls of the Roman fort provided a screen for these modern soldiers and their bizarre equipment .
11 There were probably other factors at work , which have since slipped automatically into place , but the needs expressed above were evident , being expressed by a range of people , and provided a justification for investing time and resource in trying to establish a partnership with industry .
12 In a curious way , and despite its commitment to vigorous prosecution of the war , Common Wealth provided a refuge for pacifist-minded individuals who could not bring themselves to oppose the anti-fascist war .
13 After 1337 no decade passed without laymen leasing , or acquiring full ownership of alien priory lands , an experience which undoubtedly whetted the public appetite for appropriating church lands , while it simultaneously provided a precedent for such forcible recovery .
14 The Copernican system , Bruno believed , fitted perfectly in such a universe and provided a model for other planetary systems extending to infinity .
15 The production of a group of related species on the different islands of an archipelago provided a model for divergent evolution , suggesting that , when a species was divided into separate breeding populations , each of those populations had the ability to change as it adapted to its new environment .
16 The town provided a living for 15 bakers and flour dealers , 8 blacksmiths , 27 boot and shoe makers , 24 butchers , 11 confectioners , 21 grocers and tea dealers , 7 hatters , 10 hair dressers and perfumers , 18 joiners and builders , 9 drapers , 11 maltsters , 17 milliners , 24 tailors and drapers , 8 watch and clock makers and numerous others .
17 Economic circumstances provided a context for Nazi appeal .
18 Though changing methods of planning for traffic specifically in residential areas were not a central thrust of Traffic in Towns , the book provided a context for residential area strategies which , in the event , have guided a number of countries in the ensuing quarter century .
19 The event aimed at launching a strategy for improving health in the region is being held at the Britannia Adelphi Hotel on July 7 .
20 Suggest a continuation for each of the following :
21 The Wick is far too entrancing a place for that .
22 It 's so long I do n't need a map for some reason .
23 ‘ I 'll need a receipt for that , if you do n't mind . ’
24 Do you really need a caption for these two photos ?
25 You will need a document for any kind of transaction because you will have to prove to the authorities legal ownership of each and every work of art .
26 I do n't need a membership for that !
27 Yeah do you need a hammer for those ?
28 Schools will need a mechanism for whole-curriculum planning .
29 Crevices provide a home for snail-like molluscs ( gasteropods ) like periwinkles , but also other species like the top-shells .
30 Many new and fascinating approaches can be worked out in the voluntary setting and provide a base for constructive criticism of statutory provision and a fund of enthusiasm for change .
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